Hey everyone, guess what, I'm not dead! Now- You may be wondering why I've been silent.. Mostly lack of motivation and school, and roleplay on Discord. I'm sorry for being gone The Lost Stars.. I've worked on a bit more. The next chapter isn't done, but I'll try my best to get it done and out, no matter how late. Speaking of books, I've actually released one as an actual author! Please do check it out, it's called 'Power of The Hidden Alphas: The Moonlit War'.. That's not needed though, just thought I should share the news. Another thing I most likely won't be too active on wattpad, sadly.. Due to school, writing another book, and lots more. But! If any of you are friends or people I've roleplayed with and you want to keep in touch with me, please PM me for my Discord user and tag! I'll gladly give it to you if I know you from anywhere =] That's all I had to say. Thank you for all and any of your support, and I'm sorry for not being more active.

@Katenix That's fair, if I'm ever on here it's because I either have free time at school (currently do lol), I'm reading before bed, or I'm working on a story.

@KittyNaya7 Oop yeah lol I've been working hard on my Discord rp, so I haven't been as active in others sadly =/ Not sure how active I'll be here-