21 years old, Canadian. 

Hello there fellow readers, my name is Katerina but please just call me Kat. Here I will tell you alittle about myself

I am a professional procrastinator, I work at the most canadian store in Canada (aka) Tim Hortons. Making coffee sandwiches and other assortments of goodies for the average person to consume. I am a humble Happy and peaceful young woman who loves books and reading. I am a night owl and have a bad habit of staying up far too late.

I am an avid reader, i have read copious amounts of books and stories.
I enjoy writing but i honestly can never finish my stories unless i am just telling them to people.. For some reason my brain just can't put words into writing. I have a million started stories but none of them are finished i am sorry and not sorry about that. so if you ever see any writing on my page just keep in mind that i will most likely never finish it. (Sorry sometimes i have these ideas that i think are really good i'll start them and then just get uninterested as quickly as i was.)

I am a giant foodie i enjoy all the Harry Potter books and movies (I can quote all of them with no trouble whatsoever

Favourite categories
-Fan Fiction
-NSFW ( Erotic- Sex. Ect. sometimes)

Please note: that i do read some pretty adult things ( such as Erotic and some stories with heavy sex themes. ) and if you are not of age or are easily offended by things like that please feel free to leave.

be safe be humble and be happy

-katerina :)
  • JoinedApril 29, 2013

3 Reading Lists