
Currently writing the next chapter to Doctor For The Vampire. I’m wanting to get a few chapters done before posting so you’ll have more to enjoy so please hold on a while longer. 


Hi everyone so me and a Friend are Writing this fanfic together. Please check it out. It's a fanfic on the awesome manga Black Bird. 
          We felt that we could do more with our own idea by making our own OC's and having them fall in love with some of the characters we felt needed love. Also some of the characters that died in the manga we have alive in our story also we have them with different personalities and our story takes place years after. Please check it out. We update when we can. 


Hi I'm so sorry I never notice that you posted a message here! I went to go look for you book but couldn't find it? So sorry once again. During December I was far to busy to notice anyone's comments. And now I'm just getting back into my flow here on wattpad


Hi Everyone I hope you all are enjoying my new story Lucy. I actually think it is better then my other one Assassin's Love Story. I started to get writers block on it and lose interest in it so It didn't turn out how I had hoped it would.... But I do hope to do a lot better on its sequel when I start back up on it after I finish Lucy. 
          Please tell me your thoughts on my new Story Lucy it will graetly help to know what you all think so I can better improve it so you all can better enjoy it :)


Hi guys sorry I had writers block this entire past week so I couldn't come up with how I wanted to write chapter 8 but I finally wrote it last night in 15 minutes and now it is up and ready for you all to read. Also the book is coming to a close very soon but I am pleased to tell you there just might be either a sequel or an epilogue to it... 
          But that might take some time because I am hoping to start a new more "Mature Paranormal Romance" that I hope you guys will look forward to the only problem is I can't come up with a good name for the guy in my story f possible please drop some names for guys that I might want to use. Thank you!