Hello once again little children of the corn! I return from my summer break and have adjusted to my new schedule at school (yay AP Physics!). Today I have brought my writing notebook to school with me and am planning on doing so for the next couple of weeks, as I'm ready to start writing another story! Now, there are three stories that I have in mind that I want to get working on, but I want it to be up to you, my followers, to determine what you want first. Tell me below or send me a message about what you want me to start working on first! (Just a warning: I won't be giving you any description about these stories, so you'll have to guess what they might be about). Now, lets get to the option!
1. An Out Loud Sequal (Title not determined yet).
2. Life is Beautiful - Phil Lester x Reader
3. I'll Tell Him - Tyler Joseph x Reader
If you have suggests as to what you want me to write, or just ideas in general that you want to see in writing, leave that below as well!
Thank you all for sticking around while I was gone, and I'll see you soon!
- Katie