
Hey everyone, I’m sorry for not updating much, we have been having some deaths in my family first it was my Great Aunt and now it’s my best friend aka my Dad. He has been there for my siblings and I through everything and now he’s gone. It’s hard as hell. My heart feels empty, broken and heavy. He was how I coped with my disorders and now I’m not sure how I will cope. Once again I’m so sorry everyone for not updating I hope yall understand 


Hey everyone, I’m sorry for not updating much, we have been having some deaths in my family first it was my Great Aunt and now it’s my best friend aka my Dad. He has been there for my siblings and I through everything and now he’s gone. It’s hard as hell. My heart feels empty, broken and heavy. He was how I coped with my disorders and now I’m not sure how I will cope. Once again I’m so sorry everyone for not updating I hope yall understand 


For the writers I'm following or whoever
          Is it hard to be a writer? Are you writers in real life? Or just make stories for fun or for something to do in your free time? Will it be hard to be an writer in real life? Please tell me, I have anxiety and it makes it hard to work in public places. If anyone has an suggestions on where to work with having severe anxiety please, tell me what you suggest for a gal with anxiety to work at.


@SlytherinGirl2003 Hello!!! When it comes to writing for me, I mostly do it for fun and at the moment I just got my first contract for a book I can't publish here yet. Just start here. I edit as best I can but I still miss something all the time! Don't worry about what other people think honestly, because you're new and this truly is the best place to start publishing your ideas and such. As far as anxiety goes, I had the same thing and still do...I have the worst case of writers block because of it...I'm not going to lie but I fear rejection when it comes to my writing. I really want to finish my open projects but I'm afraid people won't like what I have to write...but just going for it was the best decision I ever made. 


@SlytherinGirl2003 hey! As far as writing goes I am doing it for fun for now but want to publish eventually. I have anxiety also and I have found it best to just put my stuff on wattpad and see where is goes, I'm always nervous I write like crap but that's why I'm just writing for fun right now so there is no pressure put on me. 


Anyone else up? At 3:37AM. I have to be up at 9am. I'm exhausted but can't sleep.


I went to bed at 12:30pm! And was up at 3:37am.


its nine am were I'm at right now, but I too stayed up way later than I should of last night oof


Hi! I know this is a bit random, but I would really appreciate it if you would read some of my stories. I have a Maze Runner fanfiction, a completed Harry Potter fanfic, a trilogy of my own, a murder mystery, and even Teen Wolf! I'm sorry if this is a bother, but I just wanted to see if you would consider it. Thank you in advance!