Hey Wattpad :D

My name is [Katie]. I'm 15, I live in America, and I love cheesecake. I also love the urban feeling along with French Country. White with cold colours. Red vintage cars, white lace, cotton candy, and the whole she-bang.

I also love writing. I live, breathe, and feel for characters. I even made up a world in grade six where me and my friends would have conversations as our characters and much more. Taledom. :)

I also dance ballet. Not very well, but hey, not all of us are prima ballerinas.

Also message me if you just want to talk. I'm 110% open to getting to know amazing Wattpadders :3

Katie :)
  • Wonderland
  • IscrittoJuly 10, 2013

Ultimo messaggio
KatieAnneLouise KatieAnneLouise Jul 23, 2013 08:33PM
@Vaichi Aww thx ;) and your book sounds AMAZING!!! I'm actually going to read it next! haha :D
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