
Hey guys 3:
          	So sorry i haven't posted anything, or read anything lately. I have no good ideas for stories and my fanfiction skills have never been brilliant. I guess I'm glad i don't have many followers. This is my cry for help. I have no one left that would miss me if something were to happen. There's this one girl that still speaks to me, but she recently accumulated new friends that she would probably just replace me with. The boy i fell in love with hasn't acted interested in nearly a week now. The friends that i trusted lied to me so they could meet up without me. Even the person who hates me most decided to come back and kick me whilst I'm down. I guess this is my rant. The pouring out of my heart. I'm sorry i was even born.


Hey guys 3:
          So sorry i haven't posted anything, or read anything lately. I have no good ideas for stories and my fanfiction skills have never been brilliant. I guess I'm glad i don't have many followers. This is my cry for help. I have no one left that would miss me if something were to happen. There's this one girl that still speaks to me, but she recently accumulated new friends that she would probably just replace me with. The boy i fell in love with hasn't acted interested in nearly a week now. The friends that i trusted lied to me so they could meet up without me. Even the person who hates me most decided to come back and kick me whilst I'm down. I guess this is my rant. The pouring out of my heart. I'm sorry i was even born.


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Sorry i haven't uploaded alot. I don't have many ideas and my fanfiction skills are pretty shit, as well as the fact i haven't been in the mood and i have hardly any followers anyway. Why so sad you ask? I'm broken. I have been for at least a month now. I don't know my emotions from what i think i want to feel. I would ask for help but no one would know what to do. I don't even know why I'm still here. But i shall shush being so depressing and leave you to your awesome lives. Sorry 3: