
Hi all! I have been so terribly absent on here, but writing a book will do that to you…my YA fantasy novel “Reign Returned” was published in September, and the past few months have been a fantastic whirlwind. The sequel is finished and has a pub date to be revealed soon, and I’m now working with my editor on Book 3 in the Felserpent Chronicles trilogy…while also working on a middle grade fantasy novel because I don’t have enough on my plate, haha. I hope to add some more things to Wattpad at some point, but you can always find me on Instagram @katiekeridan if you want to talk books, writing, and reading ❤️ So much love to this amazing community!


@KatieKeridan All the very best for your writing journey, Katie! Wishing you lots of luck and love ❤


Hi all! I have been so terribly absent on here, but writing a book will do that to you…my YA fantasy novel “Reign Returned” was published in September, and the past few months have been a fantastic whirlwind. The sequel is finished and has a pub date to be revealed soon, and I’m now working with my editor on Book 3 in the Felserpent Chronicles trilogy…while also working on a middle grade fantasy novel because I don’t have enough on my plate, haha. I hope to add some more things to Wattpad at some point, but you can always find me on Instagram @katiekeridan if you want to talk books, writing, and reading ❤️ So much love to this amazing community!


@KatieKeridan All the very best for your writing journey, Katie! Wishing you lots of luck and love ❤


Hey, I'm really curious on who's doing your book covers. Like is it you or is it a commission?


I’m SO sorry for my delayed response, I don’t consistently get updates from Wattpad for some reason I’m trying to figure out, ugh. In answer to your question, I come up with a general idea for the covers (usually a terrible sketch with stick figures) then I work with an artist I connected with thru Fiverr. She’s phenomenal and did the covers for both Witch, Wolf, Woods and Affinity Witch. Absolutely happy to message you with more information and put you in touch if you’re interested. ❤️


Hi everyone! First off, I’m sorry I’ve been so absent on here lately…I’m really focused on the upcoming publication of my YA fantasy novel, “Reign Returned.” It’ll be available wherever books are sold starting September 13th! There is so much that goes into the publication of a book, and while I’m loving every second, I also can’t wait to come back here to my happy place and reconnect with everyone ❤️ Thank you for your patience, and happy writing and reading!! ❤️❤️❤️


@KatieKeridan This is so exciting! I hope they send your book to Namibia too so I can buy it :) Good luck with the last bits of the process ❤️❤️


@KatieKeridan ✨YAY! Congratulations! Can't wait to see your work in stores and on my shelf!!!


          Never lose hope, my heart
          Miracles dwell in the invisible.
          Universe is a gift. Life is a gift. Air, light, soil, energy, water, friendship, love, family are gifts. Struggle, pain, suffering, striving are gifts. We live on a gifted planet. Everything we need is here, in us, with us. Let's give our thanks by sharing our gifts.
          You don’t realize how lucky you ordinarily are until you have to deal with health issues.
          Happiness is a timid bird. Harder you try to catch it, further it flies away. Focus on your journey, on serving others, work hard. Happiness will find you along the way.
          "Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you’re in love or you’re partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. 
          I don’t know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something." 
          Clarity comes when you step back & realize that what you’re overthinking about now won’t matter in a few months. Breathe through it & think of the bigger picture instead of replaying thoughts that drain you. Keep a positive vision & believe that’s where you’ll be.
          "The biggest difference between money and time: You always know how much money you have, but you never know how much time you have." ~  Fulfill your ambitious and believe in yourself   ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Rnoomaqueen ♥️♥️♥️


Hi there, what an amazing message to receive! Thank you so incredibly much for taking a chance on my book, and I’m thrilled you enjoyed reading it and liked Katja’s story. I loved writing it and sharing it, and it’s people like you who make Wattpad such a fantastic place ❤️ Now that I’ve finished “Affinity Witch,” I’m going to focus on reading more than writing on here for a little bit, so I’m excited to check out your works! Thank you again for your votes and extremely kind words! ❤️❤️❤️


Happy Friday, Wattpad lovelies! Chapters 1-12 of “Affinity Witch” are posted and ready for reading, and I’ll continue updating every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Thank you so much to everyone who’s read, commented, and voted so far! ❤️❤️❤️


@meunieraschl I hope you have a great weekend!