Hey there~ it's Alex.
Neko has been super stressed trying to write but decided to text me at 2am and tell me to check out your comments.
You have some great ideas and you made Neko laugh so I thank you greatly.
Hi~~ I am the author who wrote " kakashi's love story : the blind kunoichi." I know you have been commenting ... so... I hope you can read my remake of the very same story cos... I felt I could do better. Its called " blind kunoichi (remade)"
(I still hate this profile setup with a burning passion...) Hello my fabulous darlings!!!! I am back and I plan to update a LOT more on Jinchuriki of Water and Saved by Death. I am terribly sorry but there was just too much the past weeks to put up sufficient chapters (and you all should know by now how much of a perfectionist I am :3). I hope you all aren't too angry with me dearests!
~ Stay fabulous!