Hullo Katie!
I hope you‘re doing alright. I am Loonie (comes from Luna, don‘t ask) and I am a biromantic demisexual. Now, I don‘t know if you can read my comment on your „Cool Demisexuals“ chapter of the „LGBTQ+ Handbook“, so if you can‘t, let me know.
I also don‘t know if you are still updating the book. I need your help. Like desperately. So if you could do another „Advice“ chapter, that would be nice.
Now to my question:
I don‘t know if I am asexual or demisexual. I am definitly biromantic, I am quiet sure of that, thank you very much, but I am not sure of the second part, so the demisexuality-thingie. I don‘t really feel like I need sx, but I don‘t know if I never want to have it (I’m 15).
But the thing is, I don‘t fully know if I am not demiromantic either. I don‘t even know if it‘s possible to be biromantic and demiromantic. I got hurt really badly a year ago, I stopped talking, tried to kill myself, etc. And now I am (kinda?) afraid to have a relationship. I have severe anxiety, trust issuesy I apologize for everything, meaning I think everything is my fault, etc,. and I don‘t want to get hurt again because I finally got out of the bad place I was a year ago. I don‘t want to got back there! You get what I mean?
Anyways, I am so sorry for all the spelling mistakes, I am not wearing my glasses and just am to lazy to get them, and so sorry for the rant.
If you can help me! I would definitly be very grateful!
Sincerely yours,