
Hey, I just wanted to say that u do u. What u like is for u to decide, don’t let other get u down, they just don’t understand. As long as u aren’t like getting off to killing someone or something and/or forcing urself on ur dog or whom ever, I don’t see anything wrong with it. So u do u. Don’t let anyone tell u differently.


Hi!  Grand Master of the Cringe Cult here.  I am interested in your perspective and ideas.  Not here to bother or insult, but the way, those others probably will.  Could you answer some questions for me, )sorta like an interview but not quite as formal)?


this message may be offensive
@Hypocrimime No, no, that's not what I'm saying, and also, it wasn't a question intended for you!  Others are entitled their opinions, but of expressing them is going to offend the minority, then just shut the f*ck up!  No, in no way do ever support what they did and whoever does it, however I have enough sensibility to not be so rude as to as to say "Fuck  you, I hate people like you" or "What you did was so wrong, go to hell."  No.  That's no way to address a human being, no matter how despicable their mistakes were.  I'm not denying what they did was repulsive and unacceptable,  it must I repeat myself?
            I. Am. Not. Going. To. Harrass.  Anyone. Because. They.  Made. A. Mistake. Even. If. I. Don't. Like. Them. 
            Also, others shouldn't be telling them that.  Yes, I agree, ot shoul be deleted, but that's for Wattpad to handle.  Writing "Ugh, you're disgusting take down your book or else, and I'm calling the cops because that's animal abuse."
            What d*mbf*ckery.  Are you really calling the cops?  On someone who you don't know, in a place too far away to even be viable, for a crime they may not be convicted for?  For we know, the story was fabricated for attention, and oh boy, then did they succeed.
            So please be quiet if it wasn't intended for, thanks


@Hypocrimime so we aren't allowed to be disgusted or to tell someone they did something wrong now? Oh I'm sorry you are literally trying to let them get away with it and label people insulting them which is like 1% I seen it's people asking them  and telling to take it down and to get help and to not write stuff like that. 