Season's greetings! Hi everyone.
It's been a while. I'll start by apologizing to all who read my book(Colours of Power) for not updating in a long while. I can not apologize enough but I'm sorry guys truly and deeply. The thing is I have some really important exams coming up which I really need to prepare for. I have some unfinishedd and there for unpublished chapters that I would love to complete and publish for you all, and for you, all of you (and my characters) I'll try to update as soon as I can maybe two chapters.
I would like to appreciate the people who have read it so far and if you haven't please give it a visit (tell a friend to tell a friend). Although, I do have to say this though, I do not get as much encouragement as I would like (it doesn't have to be professions of love), I really need your opinions to make this work (please guys). How I can improve and all.
That said, I'll try my best and I'll try to update.
So once again, I'd love to invite you all to read my book. Your votes and comments will be appreciated a lot.
Looking forward to hear from you. Love you all!