
If you post random messages on my dashboard unrelated to my writing I will block you. It is not the place to advertise your writing.


Hello Dear!
          I read your poems and I could seriously relate to many things you spoke about. Even I write poems, maybe you'll relate to them if you give it a shot!
          Do support me if you like them! Do follow please if you look forward to my writings!
          Deep Emotions,


this message may be offensive
hello still here, deciding to update. anyone want to be my buddy to tell me to get my shit together


@Kato_Holmes I need my update on the blue bloods book 3 . 


@Kato_Holmes you got this bestie♥ I believe in you♥♥♥


@Sorasonic thank you bestie. we gonna try first for the fantastic beast fic


Hey guys! I've lost a lot of inspiration to write a lot of fics on this profile. The main issue was picking up too big of projects without having a plan for them beyond a basic timeline. I have some thoughts on how all of the series would end, and if you want to know feel free to dm me here or on Tumblr (@historianroo) and I can tell you. There are a few that will continue to be updated.