@AbbieValdez22 Awwww, thank you so much! I have friends who are going through and have went through tough times and I just want to make sure that anyone else who might feel depressed or heartbroken upon many other things know that they're not alone. And I don't expect anything in return, obviously their well being is as much as I can hope for, but it means so much to me that you would support me for something I never asked for you to do. I don't have as much time to be on wattpad as I did when I started, but you just reminded me the power of words. Because I know what it's like to be on the writing end of that type of message, and believe it or not, its pretty frikin uplifting to be on the receiving end....so thank you. :D
And thank you for voting for like every part of my Legend fanfic! And I cried so much at the end of Champion as well. When I get writers block, I reread the saddest part and I cry EVERY single time! :)