
Walk in the Light part 29 is up- sorry for the wait! Enjoy! :D


          Hi! I was wondering if you would be willing to read my stories "Love Like Death" and "Escape to Darkness" as well as my upcoming fanfic "A Court of Song and Blood". Please show support by following, voting, commenting, and of course reading my stories! Thank you and have an amazing day!
          PS> I like your profile pic and background! Also love all of your inspirational stories!!


I love a lot of the series you mentioned in your bio


These ones specifically:
            The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
            The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
            Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan
            The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
            Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan
            Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling
            Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
            The Fault in our Stars by John Green
            Maximum Ride by James Patterson


¡Hola Hola!
          Me estoy pasando por tu perfil para hacer spam, pero espera, vale la pena. 
          Si te gusta el género romance y un poco de cliché, acción te aseguró que valdrá la pena visitar mi historia. Su nombre es: Eres Mia
          ¿Te atreves a leerlo? ¿Le das una oportunidad?
          También te pido disculpas si te molesta el mensaje, a mi me apena un montón hacerlo, pero me gustaría que mi historia llegué a muchas personas, y eso no ocurrirá por arte de magia.
          Te dejaré el link.
          Así aceptes leerme o no, ¡Te lo agradezco! saludos ;)


Thanks for checking out my book. Your profile seems pretty cool. I also love Divergent and the Fault in our Stars. 


Thank you! :)


@Queen_of_Magic  its no problem, and seems interedting, keep it up!


Hehehehe, it's summer does that mean part 32 of A Walk in The Light??????


Ok thanks, either way I cannot wait for the next part (Even it I have to wait).


@Sophray lol you know me so well. I still have another day of finals, and then I leave the country for 3 weeks... I will either post a chapter before or after I go, (definitely after because I'm gonna be bored on planes and stuff) but idk about before yet.... 


I just want you to know I published a legend fanfiction that I titled walk in the light. I didn't realize that you had already written one with the same title. Sorry about that. 


Totally agree


@bow_tiesare_cool haha, that's quite alright! I haven't patented the name or anything, and it was a really tender moment in the series. :)


Please continue you story!  What an amazing writer you are!!  Let us 'walk in the light' with Day and June some more!  Their story must go on....Please!


I can't wait to


You are awesome.


@AbbieValdez22 Awwww, thank you so much! I have friends who are going through and have went through tough times and I just want to make sure that anyone else who might feel depressed or heartbroken upon many other things know that they're not alone. And I don't expect anything in return, obviously their well being is as much as I can hope for, but it means so much to me that you would support me for something I never asked for you to do. I don't have as much time to be on wattpad as I did when I started, but you just reminded me the power of words. Because I know what it's like to be on the writing end of that type of message, and believe it or not, its pretty frikin uplifting to be on the receiving end....so thank you. :D 
          And thank you for voting for like every part of my Legend fanfic! And I cried so much at the end of Champion as well. When I get writers block, I reread the saddest part and I cry EVERY single time! :)