Hi everyone! I'm going to start doing a short weekly (weekish??) writing update, since hey, you might want to know what I'm up to, and The Sun Prince and Blood Oath can be scheduled months in advance. (Plus, I'm going to try to keep them short. If you've been reading them -- you might be wondering how I'm going to manage such a feat. If you haven't seen my author notes, they're in the description to each episode.)
Running around Mongolia and South Korea and getting sick (again), I didn't get much actual writing done. But that all changes, as I've settled down for the month in Japan. Oh yes, my love, Japan. Besides walking and learning Japanese and photography... Okay, I have a lot of personal projects to distract me, but also a lot of time to focus on writing. Hours a day. It's been fantastic.
So I've been focused on line editing the Sun Prince (since I have to go off line again in December), outlining a novella for something not on here, and completing a ton of business/marketing tasks that just keep getting pushed off. No more! It'll be a great weight off my shoulders, at least.
Your turn: how has your week been?