
Hey everyone. How was your weekend? Mine was crazy busy, as it was our first weekend in Kyoto. Not just visiting the shrine where I got married (which is the inspiration for the rabbit shrine in The Sun Prince) and a new photo session, but also so much Pokemon Go. After being in the country an hour away from any spawn spots, we've kind of gone crazy. (Two Cresselias, which I named Tsuki Usagi and Moon Rabbit.)
          	But I did get outlining done for The Sun Prince this past week. I'm now fleshing out Episode 2 of Season 2, focused on Yumi. I get pretty focused on Kuro and Ren and their interactions, and Yumi kind of becomes redundant (although I fixed that in Ep 1). So I wanted her to focus on her for an episode. 
          	There will also be a new character I'm super excited about that will be joining the regular cast, as she is so cute. Super cute. She'll be so much fun to write.
          	Blood Oath has as many subscribers now as The Sun Prince. O.O Was not expecting that. Glad you all are enjoying the shadows from my dark side.


Hey everyone. How was your weekend? Mine was crazy busy, as it was our first weekend in Kyoto. Not just visiting the shrine where I got married (which is the inspiration for the rabbit shrine in The Sun Prince) and a new photo session, but also so much Pokemon Go. After being in the country an hour away from any spawn spots, we've kind of gone crazy. (Two Cresselias, which I named Tsuki Usagi and Moon Rabbit.)
          But I did get outlining done for The Sun Prince this past week. I'm now fleshing out Episode 2 of Season 2, focused on Yumi. I get pretty focused on Kuro and Ren and their interactions, and Yumi kind of becomes redundant (although I fixed that in Ep 1). So I wanted her to focus on her for an episode. 
          There will also be a new character I'm super excited about that will be joining the regular cast, as she is so cute. Super cute. She'll be so much fun to write.
          Blood Oath has as many subscribers now as The Sun Prince. O.O Was not expecting that. Glad you all are enjoying the shadows from my dark side.


Hi everyone! How has your week been? (This is now going to be my standard opening, because I do want to know!)
          This week, I've been double outlining (Sun Prince season 2 and a special gift bonus story for another series) and writing my twice-a-month email newsletter (which goes out today, and will be on my blog soon) on 5 ways Japan inspired The Sun Prince. 
          I'm trying a tweak to my outlining process by starting plotting with character arc templates -- what needs to happen when to take characters from oblivious to what will really solve their problems to accepting what they need. My books are pretty character driven, so this is vital and not something I want to have to rewrite because I messed it up. 
          Sometimes, I stare at the page with my mind as blank as the comment box, and despair that I'll ever dream up the plot. The spaces between major plot points in ACT II are especially hard.
          I have to remind myself: I'm the king of the long answer. All through school, the tests I aced where always long answers, since great ideas come to me only through writing them down. 
          I just need to keep typing something. 
          And so far, it keeps working!


Hi everyone! How has your week been? 
          Mine's been pretty productive. I'm now working on Season 2 of the Sun Prince. Sun Prince was written as a contained first book in the series, but now I'm making it more of a serial format, more like manga or TV shows. I think that will work better here on Wattpad. 
          Do you know about Enneagram? It's a personality typing system that an author friend turned me onto for helping create great character arcs. Ren is a type 2, the helper. Apparently, I have a thing about having Helpers in positions of power, as I also have another series in the works that also has a Helper-type prince who gets pushed to become controlling and manipulative, who's name also starts with an R. I know what I like, and I like dark/fallen love interests ;)


Hi everyone! I'm going to start doing a short weekly (weekish??) writing update, since hey, you might want to know what I'm up to, and The Sun Prince and Blood Oath can be scheduled months in advance. (Plus, I'm going to try to keep them short. If you've been reading them -- you might be wondering how I'm going to manage such a feat. If you haven't seen my author notes, they're in the description to each episode.)
          Running around Mongolia and South Korea and getting sick (again), I didn't get much actual writing done. But that all changes, as I've settled down for the month in Japan. Oh yes, my love, Japan. Besides walking and learning Japanese and photography... Okay, I have a lot of personal projects to distract me, but also a lot of time to focus on writing. Hours a day. It's been fantastic. 
          So I've been focused on line editing the Sun Prince (since I have to go off line again in December), outlining a novella for something not on here, and completing a ton of business/marketing tasks that just keep getting pushed off. No more! It'll be a great weight off my shoulders, at least. 
          Your turn: how has your week been?