
when your s/o lives 14 hours away from you and you both take a depression nap over video call cause you miss eachother


@KatsukiAmbition That's so cute what-


when your mom deletes your instagram because she didn't like the fact you had internet friends and because they were trans because shes transphobic and overprotective  :)


@KatsukiAmbition *pushes a book on sacrifices* sounds like Satan needs a treat


@KatsukiAmbition sacrifice her to the devil in her sleep or just take her phone and break it :)


this message may be offensive
If you think rape, self-harm of any kind, depression and other mental illnesses are "cool" or "aesthetic", fucking leave my page. I don't support glamorizing mental illnesses and rape or whatever because that's flat-out disgusting. I simply write things like that because I have experience with it and it's a way for me to cope.


I've decided to delete all my old books because it makes me anxious for some reason, just having all those books makes me feel like i have to complete them all or else i feel like a failure and it stresses me out. I'm sorry to whoever wanted me to keep them up but i just can't.
          I will keep Atelophobia up because I actually am proud of that book and I might change my mind one day and continue it. But for the others, I know i won't ever finish those. 