
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted yet! I have the chapter almost done but I'm on vacation rn and I start band camp next week so it'll ve just a little bit longer to wait!


Oh and also, if I eventually find time, I'm going to rewrite A LOT of ESWM. No plot changes, but my writing has matured so much since I started that this story since middle school and frankly I'm almost embarrassed reading those awful first chapters *sweats nervously* So that might happen.


Uhm.... hi....
          Soo, how mad would people be if I started trying to write again? I really feel so terrible for being gone so long, and I have my reasons but with all due respect I'd rather leaves those reasons at "personal manners."
          I feel bad I haven't been around and honestly I've lost track of where I am, but if you all would want me to start updating again I cannot promise it will be consistent, but if I really have enough interest I will try my hardest not to just go missing again. How about it?


Hi kattarina! I've fallen in love with Ever Since We Met and I'm really looking forward to the next chapter! Even though you haven't updated for a while I still check everyday to see if a new chapter has been published. I love your story and I know part two of the last chapter is gonna be awesome! 


"Why does anyone care to know I'm here? Why does anyone need me here? Why must I always be here?
          I don't want to be here! I don't want to be needed and I don't want to be cared for.
          I don't want to... be." 


@Kattarina_Urie youre amazing! please update ever since we met :)))))


 are you gonna finish writing Ever Since We Met?


I'm sorry. 
          but I need to hiatus. 
          That's not what anyone wants to here, but frankly I can't write when every night I come home from a ridiculous Marching Band schedule crying from pain from camp and from my life right now. 
          I'm at a point that feels lower then anything, so I can't continue to write when I just feel like never leaving my room. 
          I'm sorry. 
          I'll be back, whenever. 
          ~ Kattarina. 


@Kattarina_Urie  don't worry I have play practice every night until 7:15 and i aslo have it on halloween and the day after


Omg! I'm in marching band! Turn tf up! @Kattarina_Urie


@Kattarina_Urie   I hope you feel better!! I know how you feel about the crazy long practices for marching band.. :)