
          	 Imagine you're arrested one day-simply because of your ethnicity/religion. You're violently dragged from your home and sent to a camp, where you're greeted by barking, snarling dogs. You're forced to strip naked in front of your neighbors and your head is force-ably shaven. You're given a color-coded uniform that denotes the supposed crime you were arrested for. Around you, people are being subjected to torture, rape, and medical experimentation that includes organ harvesting without anesthesia. 
          	What am I describing?
          	If you guessed Nazi Germany during the 30s and 40s, you'd be wrong.
          	I'm describing what's happening to the Uighur Muslim population of China as of right now. The Uighur people are being subjected to untold horrors and NO MAJOR MEDIA OUTLET IS REPORTING IT. Smaller news outlets are reporting first-hand accounts from survivors of the terrible "re-education" camps, but CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and others are essentially ignoring the situation.
          	I'm a Christian, which means that I disagree with a lot of things that Muslims believe. But, in this case, that doesn't matter. Genocide is genocide-whether it's happening to Christians, Muslims, Jews, whites, blacks, hispanics, etc. This is infuriating and unacceptable, what's happening to these people. The West was silent in response to Jewish refugees fleeing the Third Reich during World War 2 and look what was allowed to go on. Heaven only knows how many people have suffered and died due to the Communist Party of China's ethnic cleansing campaign.
          	Please, don't let this issue continue to be ignored. Spread the word-even if it just means a brief post and a link to an article on your social media accounts. We need an international outcry.


Thank you for responding! It infuriates me how none of the major media outlets seem to care about this. They can dissect Trump's latest press conference or Pelosi's salon visit all day, but won't report literal genocide? It makes no sense. I'm hoping that enough people will get angry enough to spread the word, boycott, lobby, and protest until someone at the UN or Capitol Hill will do something.


@KaturaBayliss It’s so insane that this is happening today or any time period. It blows my mind on how anyone could think that doing this is okay or even coming up with the idea. It breaks my heart  Thank you so much for sharing this. I will definitely be checking out the link.


           Imagine you're arrested one day-simply because of your ethnicity/religion. You're violently dragged from your home and sent to a camp, where you're greeted by barking, snarling dogs. You're forced to strip naked in front of your neighbors and your head is force-ably shaven. You're given a color-coded uniform that denotes the supposed crime you were arrested for. Around you, people are being subjected to torture, rape, and medical experimentation that includes organ harvesting without anesthesia. 
          What am I describing?
          If you guessed Nazi Germany during the 30s and 40s, you'd be wrong.
          I'm describing what's happening to the Uighur Muslim population of China as of right now. The Uighur people are being subjected to untold horrors and NO MAJOR MEDIA OUTLET IS REPORTING IT. Smaller news outlets are reporting first-hand accounts from survivors of the terrible "re-education" camps, but CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and others are essentially ignoring the situation.
          I'm a Christian, which means that I disagree with a lot of things that Muslims believe. But, in this case, that doesn't matter. Genocide is genocide-whether it's happening to Christians, Muslims, Jews, whites, blacks, hispanics, etc. This is infuriating and unacceptable, what's happening to these people. The West was silent in response to Jewish refugees fleeing the Third Reich during World War 2 and look what was allowed to go on. Heaven only knows how many people have suffered and died due to the Communist Party of China's ethnic cleansing campaign.
          Please, don't let this issue continue to be ignored. Spread the word-even if it just means a brief post and a link to an article on your social media accounts. We need an international outcry.


Thank you for responding! It infuriates me how none of the major media outlets seem to care about this. They can dissect Trump's latest press conference or Pelosi's salon visit all day, but won't report literal genocide? It makes no sense. I'm hoping that enough people will get angry enough to spread the word, boycott, lobby, and protest until someone at the UN or Capitol Hill will do something.


@KaturaBayliss It’s so insane that this is happening today or any time period. It blows my mind on how anyone could think that doing this is okay or even coming up with the idea. It breaks my heart  Thank you so much for sharing this. I will definitely be checking out the link.


           Imagine you're arrested one day-simply because of your ethnicity/religion. You're violently dragged from your home and sent to a camp, where you're greeted by barking, snarling dogs. You're forced to strip naked in front of your neighbors and your head is force-ably shaven. You're given a color-coded uniform that denotes the supposed crime you were arrested for. Around you, people are being subjected to torture, rape, and medical experimentation that includes organ harvesting without anesthesia. 
          What am I describing?
          If you guessed Nazi Germany during the 30s and 40s, you'd be wrong.
          I'm describing what's happening to the Uighur Muslim population of China as of right now. The Uighur people are being subjected to untold horrors and NO MAJOR MEDIA OUTLET IS EVEN REPORTING IT. Several smaller news outlets are reporting first-hand accounts from survivors of the terrible "re-education" camps, but CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and others are essentially ignoring the situation.
          I'm a Christian, which means that I disagree with a lot of things that Muslims believe. But, in this case, that doesn't matter. Genocide is genocide-whether it's happening to Christians, Muslims, Jews, whites, blacks, hispanics, etc. This is infuriating and unacceptable, what's happening to these people. The West was silent in response to Jewish refugees fleeing the Third Reich during World War 2 and look what was allowed to go on. Heaven only knows how many people have suffered and died due to the Communist Party of China's ethnic cleansing campaign.
          Please, don't let this issue continue to be ignored. Spread the word-even if it just means a brief post and a link to an article on your social media accounts. Genocide is wrong and we need an international outcry.
          #at_pco=smlwn-1.0&at_si=5f6119375cc31f35&at_ab=per-2&at_pos=0&at_tot=1" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.liveaction.org/news/survivors-china-concentration-camps-genocide-forced-abortion #at_pco=smlwn-1.0&at_si=5f6119375cc31f35&at_ab=per-2&at_pos=0&at_tot=1</a>


Tomorrow marks the first day of Lent and the beginning of the 40 Days For Life Campaign. People will be peacefully praying at vigils in 507 cities worldwide in an effort to bring an end to the abortion industry. If you have the time and opportunity, please consider joining one of these vigils near you. If you can't, then you can still pray for these precious, unborn babies and the hurting women who feel like abortion is their only option.
             As a Protestant observing Lent for the first time, I can't wait to see what God will do this Lenten season!


Today, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we commemorate those who suffered and died during a harrowing period of history. The injustices suffered by the Jewish people and other groups by the hands of those that considered them less than human are grave and serve as a warning to all future generations. Dehumanizing entire groups of people is never acceptable in the eyes of God. No matter our differences, we are all uniquely created and valued in our Father's eyes. We must never allow such horrible things to happen again.
          "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -Martin Luther King Jr.


Hi ^^ it’s been a while-


@KaturaBayliss Uwah, good luck on that o-o


@pokemonfan1411221 Busy, busy, busy. XD Just finished first semester of college courses.


@KaturaBayliss XD Doin' fine, but there's a big exam coming up ;w; How bout you?