
Hello my friends and potatoes I have a friend that wishes to help another friend (on YouTube) get out there. His name is Kyle Lambdin. She (might) have a "special" friendship with him (jk I'm not serious) but ya go ahead and check him out if wished no forcing of the humans. But ya there you go


Hello my friends and potatoes I have a friend that wishes to help another friend (on YouTube) get out there. His name is Kyle Lambdin. She (might) have a "special" friendship with him (jk I'm not serious) but ya go ahead and check him out if wished no forcing of the humans. But ya there you go


this message may be offensive
Honey, I know exactly how you feel. My whole family is made up of homophobic Jesus-Freaks. Being a 14 year old bisexual, this is difficult. However, whenever they go off on me about being gay the thing I always say is "Listen. I'll do me, you do you. If this is how I want to live, so be it. Stop being fucking assholes because I'm getting tired of your shit" and it usually shuts them up pretty fast. I'm not saying you should say that to your mom, but it usually works for me. I wish you the best of luck.


Hey :3
          Thanks for the flood of story votes on my Book "He Is My Master" It really means alot ^w^ And if you like it, Please, Dont be afraid to follow me c: I'd also like to tell you that, if you ever wanna talk, My pm is always open. Once again, Thank you and Goodbye ^u^/)"