NOOT NOOT IT'S THE SOUND OF THE relentless screaming and running away from responsibilities.
hello Katy it's dat annoying friend you've known since yr 5 here lololololol.
It's 1 am rn I should sleep. Lololololol ur probably asleep hahahhahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahauhaha
And bah.
@MioDioINeedJesus Abbie why.... also you cant even remember me from yr 5 xD only just believe me?? :P Also its because I write well and have amazing people who love the book!! Also got 19 chapters :)
my mental health has been all over the place recently so until i get something to help with my depression i dont think i will publish anything for a little while. ill post again once its sorted <3 ill still be answering comments and messages but not posting a new chapter
Sorry it's taking a while for the next chapter :) it's test week and I'm getting my metal health looked at now as well as my eye ache so I'm just everywhere and it's very stressful. I'm update it again soon!!!
I dont know what happened but it made my chapter 13 which I was writing public...?? well thats what it said I dont know if it actually was so im going to have to write it again...
When you try to unpublish one fanfiction but it lags and unpublishes you main fanfiction so you have to go through and post every chapter again worried that it will mess something up....