
Hey!! Sorry I haven’t posted in so long!! I’m posting soon on the winters war and political debates!! If you haven’t already go check out those two books and catch up on the latest pars before I post the next ones!! ❤️❤️


Hey!! Sorry I haven’t posted in so long!! I’m posting soon on the winters war and political debates!! If you haven’t already go check out those two books and catch up on the latest pars before I post the next ones!! ❤️❤️


Hey  just wanted to tell you that I’m start a book for political debates and discussions so come check it out and spread the word i think it’s bout time we all discussed our opinions on matters of our society!! It’s a hate free zone so if your looking to hate on others opinions and bully them for believing what the believe than this is NOT for you. To be extremely clear NO HATERS allowed!!! 


Plz go follow cinnamon_photography56 :) plz!! you don’t have to though!  Thanku!  on instagram:)  
          Also I’m sorry I haven’t posted in awhile I’ve had school AND writers block on top of that :(  but again plz go follow that account on Instagram!! 


Guy: hey what you doing? 
          Girl: laying in bed
          Guy: huh...that’s it nothing.... else??  
          Girl: I’m also eating cereal 
          Guy: cool. What would you do if I was laying next to you in bed? 
          Girl: I’d eat my cereal
          Guy: lol I mean if the cereal wasn’t there 
          Girl: I’d get out of bed and get the cereal. 


Don’t mess with a girls food! Lol not even I boy and can change us!! 


@ Katy_smith123  lol good girl


Hi,  just wanted to tell you this. 
          :) You are beautiful.
          :) You are special.
          :) You are lovable.
          :) Have a nice day. 
          :) Be always positive 
          :) Believe in yourself.
          :) Be kind and honest. 
          Be positive and have a positive attitude. Share positive aura around you. 
          Thank you. 
          Have an amazing day. 


Awww Thanku!! Are you psychic or something cause I’ve been kind of a downer lately! XD 