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An update (not that anyone will remember me or care): Take Me to Mars is NOT going to be continued. It is hidden so I didn’t delete it, but I will NOT be re-publishing it just for re-reads. Reason being is because at the time that I wrote it, even though I was aware that the behaviors of the characters (in particular Mars) were quite gender-roley and even emotionally abusive in some cases (being grossly possessive, controlling, stronger than my female lead cause he’s a man, having a brutish personality etc) I thought it was harmless as long as we all know it’s WRONG. But being older now, I simply do not want to put out content like that because I find male characters of that sort horrible and disgusting and they piss me off. If I were to re-write Mars, I would at LEAST make Arden stand up for herself, point out his shit caveman behavior, and even make him more self aware of his faults. Anyways, tldr, although my story wasn’t necessarily harmful, it featured heavy gender roles at times and in some cases, heavily patriarchal views (because we all grow up brainwashed to the patriarchy, not that I knew what I was writing at the time). Despite trying to be inclusive as a writer, it does not meet my 21 year old selfs standards for inclusivity. ♥️ love to anyone who ever did like my writing, I am considering writing a whole new story because I miss it.