is scars that heal on ao3?

@-ghosties Glad you understand! I prefer AO3 too, Wattpad has just housed this story for so long at this point. I hope you enjoy STH if you do get around to reading it! ❤️

@KatyaMorrigan that’s totally understandable! i really want to read it, though ao3 is my preferred platform. though that will not stop me, i am still looking forward to reading <3

@-ghosties No, it isn't! I considered it for a while but realised that 1) I would want to re-edit it before uploading and I don't want to do that currently, 2) it's not a story that I associate with the writing I do on AO3 (different style/goals/fandoms), and 3) I generally want to distance myself from Harry Potter these days because of TERF Rowling.