
Hey hey:)
          	So, I know it may seem like there's not much process going on, seeing as I haven't posted. But I am in the writing swing and am hoping to upload CTH and Wild. tonight or tomorrow night:) 


Hey wattpadians!
          Happy new year and happy updates for you guys!
          I've been a major slacker and I honestly feel so horrible about it, but it's not entirely my fault! With crash after crash, my laptop had finally retired to the dumpster and I was forced to pick up a new one! So, I'll have more incentive to actually write and- hopefully- update! I've been really into CTH and I see it going places, and as for Mine, I'm still editing and trying to clean up. As for Yours, the spinoff for Mine, I plan to start working on it again VERY soon. I had already updated some of it and then taken it down because I wasn't feeling it. I worked on Mine, for well over a year and needed to drift somewhere else before I could totally invest in it again and I apologize for keeping you guys in the dark! 
          As well for Wild. I am back in the swing of things and am happily typing away on that as well and cannot wait for the next couple updates! I am still editing CMTM, but focusing more on editing Mine due to how..... unorganized it is... 
          Anyways, thanks for putting up with me! 2014 was officially a crap of a year and I'm ready to get out of my slump and be more productive for you guys!
          Happy 2015 guys and if you have any questions or comments inbox me :)


Just wanted to let you know that I just finished your Mine a warewolf romance it was a good strong story! Your a good strong writer and the story was awesome and very emotional. Good strong characters and it pulled you right in! Look forward to more story's to come. By all means keep up your great writing and thank you for an awesome strong storys!!!


Hey lovelies!!! Just wanted to spread a quick note:)
          ALL of my works are being edited, very thoroughly! They are very old, and I'm working on sprucing them up and detailing AND completing. It's a working progress so thank you to all who have been waiting on me:') I apologize for being so MIA classes are hectic and I'm having some very troubling issues with my parents at the moment... So in the need to take my mind off of things I'm trying very hard to get back in the swing of writing and uploading. I really miss writing and these past couple of weeks have really helped me unwind a bit! Thank you thank you thank you for reading this and hopefully I will be posting something more entertaining to read soon !!!
          Xoxo Katy
          Much love and happy reading !


Dear Wattpadians
          Just a quick update for ya! I can't say I'm sorry enough for being such a flake! AP classes have me tied up on homework every single night and I have yet to get Internet :/ BUT I am positive I will get updates this month when I go to visit my cousin :) I'm really sorry and I thank every single one of you beauties for putting up with my balderdash <3


Hello to all my MINE fans out there, chapter 7 is up! Oh dear, I don't know why I didn't think of it you know a YEAR AGO but I did tonight, I went through and edited it. Put some little *bleeps* where they needed to be and WALLA! So sorry about that. Also, I went through and read some parts that I liked a lot and I'm really... shocked to say the least. I'm going to bash on myself and toot my horn at the same time when i say that I'm proud of my improvements AND my new writing software xD I've gotten a lot better and I can only hope to improve more. Anyways, sorry for rambling, I have some big ideas for Mine in particular before I start posting Yours (the sequel) again... stay tuned and I'll try to keep you guys up to date :D