
Sooo i just made a dumb mistake…
          	So I had unpublished my story about six months ago, and now I finally decided to republish it, only problem is that all my previous dates are gone. I know it's not a major problem but like I wrote this story years ago so to see it say 2023 instead of 2021 feels sad man.


Sooo i just made a dumb mistake…
          So I had unpublished my story about six months ago, and now I finally decided to republish it, only problem is that all my previous dates are gone. I know it's not a major problem but like I wrote this story years ago so to see it say 2023 instead of 2021 feels sad man.


So…today was results day for my GCSE's…and let's just say it didn't go the best lol. If you don't know what GCSEs are, then ur probably not from the UK lol, but it's basically these really big exams you take at the end of secondary school (age 16). It's basically like end of middle school for Americans and stuff. And basically they're like pretty serious cuz u need em to go sixth form or college, which is pretty much high school kind of. But anyway my point is that I didn't do as good as I thought I was going to do, and I'm like really upset cuz like I tried hard. I still got in to sixth form and did good, but not as good as I wanted. I'm just upset about that because I thought I was smarter than that and I really let myself down. 
          Well, anyway, I just wanted to let that out there. If any of u guys are from the UK, let me know how u guys' results day went.


@Kaukations I appreciate that I helped you feel a little better about everything, and I'm sorry to hear about what happened with your parents. But you did what you were capable of, and it's wrong to compare you and your brother's results because you are different people with different brains, so you'd obviously get different results. And as I said yesterday, the only person who needs to be proud of their results is you (even though support from others is great too).
            Being anxious about change is something I relate to as well, but the thing about change is once it happens and time has gone on since then, it won't feel like a change anymore as you'll have adjusted to what you thought as terrifying a few months back. Hopefully you'll make new friends and the teachers will like you as much as they did in high school. There are also always counselling services at colleges should things get too much to handle, and there's always wattpad.


            Awwh, I can't thank you enough for this message. I know it's cringy, but I actually teared up while reading this, and it comforts me to hear this from someone who understands me to an extent. I still remember when I was in yr 10 and thought nothing of my GCSEs. Like I literally didn't care or anything and then coming up to GCSEs I still felt no stress or anxiousness. It was only when the exams started when it really hit me, and I was really regretting not studying hard enough. So I should be grateful that I managed to pass. But tbh seeing my parents disappointed after they saw my grades really just brought me down. They were never strict on me to study and get all 9s because they knew I was just not capable enough to do that. But they were still disappointed that I didn't do as good as my brother, who got all 9s and 8s. I was next to my mother who was on the phone with her friend, and when she was telling her friend about my grades, she lied and said I got 9s when I didn't. She was just embarrassed to tell them that I didn't do so good.  
            So yeah, hearing you say that has lifted my mood a little. I guess I was also just stressed and anxious because I don't do good with change, like at all. I hate change and it gives me massive anxiety. So the fact that I have now left secondary school and am now going somewhere where I don't know anybody and I don't have the same teachers to help me, or I can talk to, it just gives me so much anxiety and stress.  Like truly, I think the biggest thing that got me through secondary was the teachers, so I have no idea how I'm going to manage sixth form. But I have no other option but to just man it and deal with it.  That's why I'm glad I have Wattpad to let my felling out.
            So thank you for encouraging me and don't worry I'd say you're pretty good at comforting. You should just become my therapist, I'm sure you'd improve my mental health a ton, lol.


@Kaukations I'm not good at comforting people but I'm gonna try. At least you managed to get into sixth form, and I guess you managed to get into the A-levels you wanted, which means you are smart. Maybe they were just off days, maybe the questions were just more difficult than usual (the Edexcel circle question, for instance), or maybe something else happened that could've impacted the results. Also, GCSE's don't test your intelligence as much as memorisation, though that's what basically all exams are: memory tests, and you are not defined by grades, no matter how many teachers or others try to shove that into your head. Trying your best is all you can do as well, and as long as you do that, no matter what you get, you've done amazingly and you didn't let yourself down at all. Be proud that you've passed, be proud that you've got into college, and most importantly, be proud of how much work you've put in and how hard you tried because that's what matters above all else.
            Anyway, I'm going into year 11 this year so I can't let you know my results but it seems really daunting and last year was stressful enough in terms of pressure, so the fact that you even managed to get through year 11 is awesome. Good luck with college and beyond, and keep doing your best.


Hi, i really love your atsuosa im currently finding more stories about the twins 
          I know its incest but i just love them both so much :')
          (Ps. Currently reading your other books ^^)


            Hiii :) awwh ur comment just made my day. That's so sweet of you to say that. Haha let me know how u like my other stories.


So, people have been hating on my stories recently a lot and I understand that you don't like it, but why do people hate? Like do u really have that much time on ur hands to hate? And if ur going to hate whatever idrc, but, do not ever say stuff like, 'kys' or stuff like that. Because one, that's triggering and two, that's just too far. If you don't like what you're reading then don't read it, don't say stuff like that because it hurts people, not just me even other's. I've read so many stories where in the comments people say stuff like that and it just might be the final push for someone to do that. Like what's to fun about saying stuff like that? U enjoy that? U find it fun? What are you, 10? That's so immature and stupid. Just stop it. It's really annoying and rude. Some people just don't have enough brain cells to understand and acknowledge that. 
          Haa, I had to get that off my chest because it's been bugging me for a while now.


@VeronicaOwen Awwwhh thank youuu . (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤.


I love your story I enjoyed your works alot, thank you for putting effort to make it✨


Exactly, it's just sad how sum ppl can be so petty. It's like they hate for attention.


me : sees your acc
          also me : looks at your works then sees atsuosa
          *looks at it* eh? idc if there brothers this is some good work ya did there
          still me: I think I should make a YouTube channel
          but I'm to scared to at the same time from right now Ima follow you and wait till you post again. I like all your stories btw!! keep up the good work!!
          and I hope I didn't spell anything wrong I'm still working on  my English but I know Japanese!! and I saw your acc today that's why I'm texting this late 


@Hazeleyesatsumu that's finee if u reply late. I know like a bit of Spanish not alot tho. I literally suck at learning languages.


@Kaukations Thank you and I kind of could tell my English was good I get in my 90's or 100's well in all subjects sometimes I get that much but I get in my 50's when I'm in a bad mood and also I don't reply fast because I have to do a lot of test for Spanish I hate Spanish but sometimes I do reply even when I'm busy most of the time I'm not.


I have one thing to say....... I LOVE YOUR STORIES!!!!


@animelover09260 I won't, for now i guess-

