
A bit of update from me since I've been kinda silent
          	If you've read and followed my first story I created here "An Accident Creation" you've noticed that I've stated it as discontinued without officially announcing it. I apologize and I will tell you why I've discontinued it;
          	Despite it being nearly finished, this book was kinda supposed to be connected to my comic; "Long Lost Love" which is my OC X Gaster fanfic comic, ya know? And no, I've not even started on that bc I'm unsure of most things and Karma being in the story is one of them.
          	As you may know, Karma was a soul-eater creature created by Jamie. And because it's a soul-eater, I didn't think it'd serve initially in the comic as well as the setting in the story
          	In the Undertale timeline as far as I'm aware, the monsters gets banished underground in the medieval times and the story takes place in a more modern environment and Jamie in the comic is dead, so it does not match up if I decide to have the comic true to the timeline.
          	The timeline thing is the main reason for this discontinuation.
          	Speaking of Undertale, the Gaster X reader fanfic is not discontinued by any means, I'm just STUCK on the second chapter. The timeline also affects my line of thinking as well as unsure how to play it out properly.
          	With the fanfic I'm more wondering whether to have it in medieval time or not, I'm capable of setting it in medieval time as the first chapter didn't really give too much hint of it being more modern?
          	1/2 last part is in the comments


I'd like to correct that comic on the first part is not called "Long Lost Love" but "Lost Found Love"


And now onto other things, I've been thinking lately. I've written in my short comic ideas to my docs in a story like format, so I'd be able to share them, they're mainly Transformers Prime themed (Humanformers to be more specific) of my OC X Soundwave.
          	  The OC's name is Tech.
          	  I'm also getting near graduating from my school as well as trying to get my driver's license but studying that is super slow.
          	  So what do you think? Should I share my short comic ideas here? I also apologize for my absence!
          	  Zoey signing out~


A bit of update from me since I've been kinda silent
          If you've read and followed my first story I created here "An Accident Creation" you've noticed that I've stated it as discontinued without officially announcing it. I apologize and I will tell you why I've discontinued it;
          Despite it being nearly finished, this book was kinda supposed to be connected to my comic; "Long Lost Love" which is my OC X Gaster fanfic comic, ya know? And no, I've not even started on that bc I'm unsure of most things and Karma being in the story is one of them.
          As you may know, Karma was a soul-eater creature created by Jamie. And because it's a soul-eater, I didn't think it'd serve initially in the comic as well as the setting in the story
          In the Undertale timeline as far as I'm aware, the monsters gets banished underground in the medieval times and the story takes place in a more modern environment and Jamie in the comic is dead, so it does not match up if I decide to have the comic true to the timeline.
          The timeline thing is the main reason for this discontinuation.
          Speaking of Undertale, the Gaster X reader fanfic is not discontinued by any means, I'm just STUCK on the second chapter. The timeline also affects my line of thinking as well as unsure how to play it out properly.
          With the fanfic I'm more wondering whether to have it in medieval time or not, I'm capable of setting it in medieval time as the first chapter didn't really give too much hint of it being more modern?
          1/2 last part is in the comments


I'd like to correct that comic on the first part is not called "Long Lost Love" but "Lost Found Love"


And now onto other things, I've been thinking lately. I've written in my short comic ideas to my docs in a story like format, so I'd be able to share them, they're mainly Transformers Prime themed (Humanformers to be more specific) of my OC X Soundwave.
            The OC's name is Tech.
            I'm also getting near graduating from my school as well as trying to get my driver's license but studying that is super slow.
            So what do you think? Should I share my short comic ideas here? I also apologize for my absence!
            Zoey signing out~


this message may be offensive
Bam dum daa how are y'all doing?
          Hopefully good yaya
          Y'all wanna know something funny? Tomorrow I have an exam and I haven't done assignments for it like I should've 
          So I'm trying to do those but I also want to write BUT I also want to just sleep bc I'm tired as shit
          My procastination is the dead of me lmao
          Anyway,, wish me luck, babai~


Even tho I have another class but that's more important


@KawaiMoonShine tbh I couldn't stay awake so I just went to sleep and now I need to continue and do everything this morning before the class  ldbdixbz


Aaaa I'm sorry for taking so long with updating the story; An Accident Creation!! But I haven't been really into Undertale rn and nor have I been really in a mood to write, so I apologize! Idk when I'll be getting back to it as if currently not very soon, but I do have another story under my wing, so heads up to the idea I once told :) I need to make a cover for it and finish a prequel that I've started, tho I'm not publishing it when it's done until I have the cover done.
          Another thing I could say that lately I've been really into Transformers Prime again and I rewatched season one and two and after years of not being able to watch the season 3 up until this year, I'm watching it for the first time B) I'm not yet done with it, but what drove me back here to read was Soundwave xD I've been reading Soundwave X reader fanfictions a lot jsjdieh and so let's hope I'll get my mood back to write again, anyways babai!~






@Snowfall321 badadadadadadaasjdgsiagsv