
Oh my Irene, I just had my senior IDP presentation and speech. I'm exhausted and I want to go home. Really hope I did well.


Hey guys! 
          Sorry I haven't updated in a while, just working on some new stuff. 
          But I have something to say. It came to my attention recently that there was a rumor that I was planning to kill one of my classmates. It was a lie. I was shown a post from Wattpad, which I can no longer find, much to my disappointment. I posted said entry a year ago, about a DREAM I had, with no death, no killing. If you go to my school, and know who I am, tell me. You had no right to go to the dean and start this rumor. Not to mention that I repeatedly said "web shooters". I don't know who you are, but next time, come tell me before you go to the dean.


My grandmother is dying and I can't do anything about it
          She's done so much for us, I don't want her to leave.


@629kat thank you so much. She passed away this morning. The funeral is on Wednesday, according to my aunt. What's your number again?


Hey if u need to talk u know how to reach me, I know what ur going through I lost my grandmother to cancer a few years back I think that you have my number if you want to text me if you need to talk this weekend. I know that this stuff is extremely hard, I'm praying for you and your family.


hey guys! I might not be able to update as much as I wanted to due to my grandma being in the hospital because of multiple myeloma, a blood cancer. I've already lost a few family members because of cancer, and it's really hard for me to deal with. I don't want to deal with it. But I have to anyway, she pretty much adopted my family after my maternal grandmother died from leukemia a few months before I was born. She started chemo today, and I don't want to lose her. She's done so much for me and my little sister.


I had a dream last night where I was at school, sitting in the chem room, and everyone was messing around with web shooters (idk that's my brain for you) and my principal was teaching. But the webs weren't actually webs. They were like strong putty. We had to figure out who the "assassin" was. It was my classmate Isaiah and before he could get someone else I shot him in the back with my web shooter and he fell over and we were all laughing
          It was great
          (I actually really dislike Isaiah)