
Hey I have made a permanent decision to get rid of my discontinued pieces one being The Empty Cities which was a zombie apocalypse story with kids having supernatural abilities,  Gothic High School which was inspired by the now Zac Brewer which was based off The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd (idk if that is spelled right), and I have now gotten rid of DRAMAtical Error so no one will be seeing Aoi, Jewel, Hiro, and the other characters I have planned out. I will no longer be writing CreepyPasta after Amnesia is finished which is a bit inspired off of EternalLaughter's story about Corrupted that's where duivels came from.


Hey I have made a permanent decision to get rid of my discontinued pieces one being The Empty Cities which was a zombie apocalypse story with kids having supernatural abilities,  Gothic High School which was inspired by the now Zac Brewer which was based off The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd (idk if that is spelled right), and I have now gotten rid of DRAMAtical Error so no one will be seeing Aoi, Jewel, Hiro, and the other characters I have planned out. I will no longer be writing CreepyPasta after Amnesia is finished which is a bit inspired off of EternalLaughter's story about Corrupted that's where duivels came from.


Hi everyone! It has been a while since I have updated any of my works in progress. Just letting everyone know I am alive. Some books I can still update by typing on my phone. While some are on my flash drive which means I have to type them on my computer. I am on a hiatus period for some amount of time. I have been playing video games a lot as of late too. I have been looking into colleges so I can go to college as well. So for now my hiatus period is unknown. I probably will also read more books on here too to get some inspiration.


Hey just wanted to let my fellow Amnesia readers that I just posted Chapter 24 and that it is up for reading. I hope you all like this chapter Amnesia is coming to a close here soon and I am typing up some drafts. Lately that is what I am doing with all my works drafting them. I feel that since Amnesia is coming to a close that I am going to try to do over a maximum limit of 2,000+ words. Also I may not be Fan-Fiction writing as much anymore after I graduate seeing as it does not really make me any income whatsoever and I "maybe" joining the Military so wish me luck!~


Dear Readers/Followers, Sorry my pace is so slow I am trying to keep up and update as frequently as possible while juggling school. I do not know what I am doing wrong to lose readers on certain books and I hope I will manage to be able to get them back. I think as of now I am going to keep working on Amensia and finish it. From there continue working on my FFXV shipping book then from there start my own works back up.


Thanks you all for continuing to read my stories! I appreciate all the votes and comments. I have been writing, but school has been in session for a while. About yesterday for my book Amnesia I accidentally posted Chapter 23. It also probably sent out a notification to my followers. I am sorry it happened I quickly unpublished the chapter. Sorry for those who are reading it. About my shipping book for Final Fantasy thank you for being so patient with chapter updates. Ignis' birthday is coming up and I am planning on a special part for him.


Hello everyone just a brief update 
          1. Amnesia was updated/chapters updated bc I found motivation to write it again. Also writing chapters for it if anyone reads it anymore.
          2. The FFXV Ship book is having a part being written.
          3. Septiplier romance book?? Going to find motivation to write this.
          4. If I still have a Marvel book on here my brain is currently like nnnn nope.
          What am I even writing anymore hnnng I could use some sleep though. 


So I edited Splendorman's Daughter it is no longer a Trilogy it is now a singular book. I changed all the chapter names and even edited the authors note after the Epilogue. I haven't been reading much *cough* I'm stuck up on how the last book of EternalLaughter's which was *cough* *cough* something sad I refuse to read Terrible Fates I am not prepared for feels like the coward I am.