
this message may be offensive
Listen up y4ll this shit is ironic striders be4ts 4re best suited to trolls hooked on phonics k4rk4licious definition m4kes terezi loco she w4nts to know the secrets th4t she c4nt t4ste in my photo dying just to know the fl4vor I 4int doing her no f4vors no re4son why I te4se her flush just comes 4nd goes like se4sons im k4rk4licious so delicious no I don't do kismesis 4nd if you re4d 4ny f4nfics 4ll th4t shit is fictitious I blow kisses mw4h don't m4tter if we're just moir4ils trolls be lining down the veil for 4 ch4nce to fill 4 p4il im k4rk4licious