Hello everyone! I apologize for my lack of activity on here, school got hectic and i had a few personal things happen. But! I am now graduated from highschool and now in college, and I have my own laptop! So hopefully I'll be able to make and update stories more often.
Anywhooo, now that *thats* out of the way, I have a question for everyone. Since I have been gone for so long, my writing style has drastically changed, so continuing my current books with two different writing styles seems off... so I have a dilemma... Do I: a) revamp all of my stories chapter by chapter, b) start from scratch all together and abandon the older ones, or c) attempt to keep writing them as is?
I would really appreciate it if you guys could help me out. I am still waiting on permission from @arealscpdoctor if I can continue or revamp the stories we worked on together (EFTC and SFTC) on my own (unless she wants to join me lol).
I look forward to your thoughts and cant wait to start writing for you all again! <3