
this message may be offensive
An Open Letter To America Part 3
          	And here’s the thing, you can re-stock a store. You can rebuild a building. But you can’t bring back the innocent lives taken in the name of corruption. Even though America was built on fighting the oppressor, it was also built on being the oppressor. When Jefferson said “all men are created equal” he did not mean all men. He meant all white men. And it’s this discrimination that got America to the mess it is today. 
          	But while this entire situation is saddening, it does give me a little bit of hope to see most of the country banding together to fight for what we believe in. And while I hate to see the way the cops are behaving, in the words of a good friend of mine, “sometimes it takes a villain for the world to see what the fuck is wrong with it.” 
          	But this, the recent events, do make me sick. People are out here, white people no less, being offended by the protests, and the entire BLM movement. They’re out here saying “All lives matter.”  NO FUCKING SHIT, SHERLOCK. But no lives matter until black lives matter.  It isn’t infringing on your rights to say that other people have rights as well. This country was built to support the white, straight,  
          	cis-gendered, christian man, the petty shit you go through does not compare to the struggles of those who do not qualify all of those requirements. Again, it’s 2020, we should not be fighting about which people are people. Why do people need to be reminded that others are still human? Why do people of color have to fear for their lives every single time they do anything? That is the problem. The riots are the solution.


this message may be offensive
An Open Letter To America Part 3
          And here’s the thing, you can re-stock a store. You can rebuild a building. But you can’t bring back the innocent lives taken in the name of corruption. Even though America was built on fighting the oppressor, it was also built on being the oppressor. When Jefferson said “all men are created equal” he did not mean all men. He meant all white men. And it’s this discrimination that got America to the mess it is today. 
          But while this entire situation is saddening, it does give me a little bit of hope to see most of the country banding together to fight for what we believe in. And while I hate to see the way the cops are behaving, in the words of a good friend of mine, “sometimes it takes a villain for the world to see what the fuck is wrong with it.” 
          But this, the recent events, do make me sick. People are out here, white people no less, being offended by the protests, and the entire BLM movement. They’re out here saying “All lives matter.”  NO FUCKING SHIT, SHERLOCK. But no lives matter until black lives matter.  It isn’t infringing on your rights to say that other people have rights as well. This country was built to support the white, straight,  
          cis-gendered, christian man, the petty shit you go through does not compare to the struggles of those who do not qualify all of those requirements. Again, it’s 2020, we should not be fighting about which people are people. Why do people need to be reminded that others are still human? Why do people of color have to fear for their lives every single time they do anything? That is the problem. The riots are the solution.


this message may be offensive
An Open Letter To America Part 2
          We tried protesting, but that didn’t fricking work. We were shot at with rubber bullets, sprayed with tear gas, RAN OVER with cop cars. No wonder we’re turning violent. But it must be remembered that the cops were violent first. They made the first move. We’re fighting fire with fire. They lit the match, it’s their job to put it out.  America was built on revolution, no fucking shit, Sherlock, that it’s the only thing that works. America became a country due to us rioting, hell, because of us making it more than just a riot, but a full-on war. Women were given rights through rioting, remember the Suffragettes? The LGBT+ community was given rights through rioting, remember Stonewall? This isn’t the first time America resorted to property damage to make a point, remember the Boston Tea Party?


An Open Letter To America Part 1
          Dear America,
          I am writing this on June 3rd, 2020 at 3:07 pm EST. America has gone to absolute crap. It is 2020 for crying out loud and we are still having the fight about which people actually qualify as people. People who are peacefully protesting are being killed. Innocent lives are being taken in the name of corruption and discrimination.
          It’s things like this that explain why I am ACAB. Now, before someone gets their panties in a twist, because I know someone will, let me explain what I mean when I say ACAB. I do not mean that every single person that is a cop is bad, no, I wholeheartedly believe that there are good cops out there. By saying ACAB what I mean that by just simply choosing to be a cop, that every cop is choosing to discriminate and support the corrupt, unjust system that is America’s government. The police are not here to protect us. They are here to protect a system built on discriminating against the minority. They are here to protect the status quo chosen by those corrupt with power. ACAB does not target the cops themselves, but the system they are choosing to support. 
          But, this does not mean that there aren't bad cops. Especially now. Cops are turning off their body cams, hiding their badges, trying to conceal the fact that they are cops, all because the country decided that we were finally done with letting the corrupt ones get away with their crimes. Too many times were innocent lives taken by cops simply because the victim was black. Unarmed black men and women getting killed simply because they were reaching for their phone, because they were asking for directions, because they were alive. We aren’t protesting because of George Floyd. We are protesting because of every innocent life taken. 
          It is our constitutional right as a country to be able to protest and riot if we do not like the government the way it stands, and the cops are trying to take that right away.


my god has it been a while. but i'm back! i just posted the first part of my newest book, "vision"!! i  took a hiatus, but it feels good to be back writing again. ngl ive been writing this book for about a year now. and the story still isnt finished. but i think yall will love it. i am still working on re-writing my other stories, so dont fret about those either. anyways, im rambling now, how have yall been?