Hey guys! I don't know who will actually see this but I just came onto here after a very long time and seeing that people are still talking and engaging with this made me feel so much love and appreciation for all of you!!! I hope yall are doing great and if not, I hope you know that it always gets better.
When I started this book it was during a time when Wattpad was very popular and I was in a place in my life where I needed an outlet so it was very easy for reading and writing here to become that for me. However, as time went on my life changed a lot (mostly for the better) and I wasn't in a place where I could devote attention to this book, and I didn't feel inspired to keep writing because a lot of that inspiration came as a way to escape my life. This book, very honestly, symbolizes a dark place in my life and when things changed for the better, I needed to take a step back and focus on real life. I still hold a very special place in my heart for this book which is why I haven't taken it down- I genuinely, genuinely appreciate the love you guys showed this book and the love you showed as well!!!
I know this isn't what you want to hear but I don't think I will be continuing this book anytime soon, but if I ever feel any inclination to come back and write some more, I will definitely do so. I think back on some of the stuff I wrote and honestly cringe a little (haha). If I ever do start writing there will be some edits for sure, but until then I will leave it as it is. If you have any questions or any comments, please share them because I love hearing them. I love you guys so much and I genuinely appreciate everyone who is still here after years!!!!!!
- Love, Kay