Hey y'all just wanna say that I am up for any requests right now for some one-shots (it can be bout anything and/or anyone) and you can always leave them in the comments below, dm/pm me, or request in the “Request” chapter in any of my stories (also if you wanna be anonymous just please tell me)

@Kay_xx_Afton oouu i’ve got one! it stems from an old repetitive day dream i had about a crush and maybe you can write it out. a girl’s birthday is coming up and she decides to through a party inviting her crush who she has been separated from. she finally sees her crush, who is her boy best friend, after 6 years of communicating through the phone with text only. he never wanted to call or facetime her for some reason. she was tired of concealing her love but wanted to do it in person, she was ready to confess in person not caring if it was going to be on her birthday. she had finally gather the courage to tell him how much she loves him that’s more than friends. she drags him to the girls bathroom for more privacy just in case she breaks down in tears (that’s just the setting my mind wondered to, you don’t have to locate it there). that’s the general bases :) ik his answer for the most part but i’ll let you decide how he feels!