


hello :) I read your bio and your message and I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for what you've been through, and I can relate. honestly, the bad things that happen to people make them connect better than any good times.
          I clicked on your profile to ask if you could take a look at my book Thoughts. it's nonfiction one shots, and if you're interested in such stuff I'd be really happy if you checked it out some time.
          hope you're having a good day. x


this message may be offensive
All my life I was made to believe I was ugly. People would pick on me at school, make fun of my hair, my teeth, my everything. I was weird. At times I was bullied so much it brought me to the point of severe depression. Wondering how to look, how to act, who to be like. When really all that time should've been myself despite what other people thought. I'm currently 18 years of age all I've ever wanted to do was perform but I feel as if I am constantly holding myself back. People assume and I'm a vain person which is true and their right. But that's because ever since I was little I was wanted to be the pretty one. The person everyone likes, the person everyone wants to be, and in some ways now people may think I am that. But now that I have grown older I've realized thats not what I want at all. Why would I want to look and become like the people who have spent years putting me down, making me feel like crap because I wasn't them, I wasn't to their standards. Making me feel like I wasn't pretty without my makeup and hair extensions, without being someone else. I will never live up to peoples expectations, societies expectations, the media's expectations as I journey into this industry, but who the fuck cares? What sounds more exciting? The person with perfect hair, perfectly manufactured personality and poise or the perfectly different person who creates and inspires, embraces individuality and is different. Who would you rather be?