
SQUEEE! I was just contacted by a studio that wants a face-to-face about a possible TV series concerning "Tales of the Pink Mist!" OMG! OMG! I feel like I'm going to pass out! 


Hi all! I trust you are well!
          After a loooooong hiatus I've decided to start writing again.
          I just can't decide which to work on next: Steel Wolf or The Magic Number.
          I had toyed with the idea of rewriting the most recent chapter of SW (let's face it, it just isn't in Tanaya's makeup to commit cold-blooded murder). But, in the end decided to let it play out. There will be a neat little scene to get around that aspect in an upcoming chapter.
          As far as MN, I really don't know the very next step, but the ending of the story (however many chapters away that is) should satisfy.
          So, new chapter: Magic Number or Steel Wolf?
          Please let me know!
          Love ya!


Welcome back!
            I took a rather long hiatus too!


I seriously goofed in the last chapter of Steel Wolf. I have Tanaya set up to do something TOTALLY out of character for her. 
          As soon as my RL work schedule allows, I'm going to rewrite that chapter.
          Sorry it's been several months since the last update, but...
          Thank you for reading and commenting on the story so far!


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"I certainly hope the good colonel is a better commander than the general was."
          "Her first order was to form patrols for house to house searches for troll stragglers. She's got her shit wired. Pardon my language, Highness," replied Lim.
          "I'm glad to hear that shit's finally getting done around here," Tanaya said, as she winked. "Now, gentlemen, I want the entire incident told."
          The two men looked at each other.
          "Well, Tanaya, we were in the heat of passion when..." As Benton went on, Tanaya's face fell. Giselle's jaw dropped.


"Sorry, Highness," he said rather self-consciously. "Didn't mean to go off on a tangent like that."
          "Quite all right, Lieutenant Commander," her smoky voice answered. "I can totally understand what you just said. I agree, too. It's a very hard life. The mental stressors are incredible. The physical part is nothing, bones and sundered flesh heal rather quickly. But, the mind...once it's broken, it's hard to put right." She pointed out the front door, indicating Collin. "Honestly, Rance, I don't know how anyone can do it for more than a handful of years. We are a rare breed, Rance MacNaulty. We dedicate our lives to the protection of someone else. We willingly put ourselves in the thick of a fight to see that no harm comes to our charge. You're absolutely right; it gets tiring."


"No doubt he wants to know every move we made in killing Alderus. I'll deal with him tomorrow. For tonight, the Royal Guard can stand down. I do have one small favor to ask. It'll really piss off the Regular Military." Tanaya snickered.
          "Highness," said Rance, officiously, "we are here for your protection. When this company was formed, we were given instructions that Princess Serenna would make the rules. Since she is queen, and you are now our mistress, what you say shall be done. No favors are necessary." He leaned forward and winked. "But, I do thoroughly enjoy pissing off the Regulars. Let's hear it."
          Steel Wolf - Flanking Maneuver by @KCharlemaigne #wattpad https://my.w.tt/HNynsTUjJM


Watching from the porch was Serenna, about ten years older than Tanaya last saw her, crinkles at the edges of her eyes. She smiled sweetly, watching the children.
          "MOM!" the little boy yelled, looking directly at wolf-Tanaya. He dropped his stick, running out of the yard into human-Tanaya's arms. The little girl squealed with glee, running as fast as her little legs would carry her.
          "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" she repeated as she leapt into Tanaya's strong arms.
          Tanaya stood, a child in each arm, making her way to the house. She bent to kiss her beautiful wife.
          "Are you back for good, this time?" asked Serenna.


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No words were exchanged. No threats. No taunts.
          Full-on attack.
          "It was at this point that Arch Second Alderus Sanguimer turned around. When he saw eleven wolves in midnight black armor bearing down on him at a high rate of speed, he freaked the fuck out. Let's face it, anything that looked like they did would be enough to make anyone take a healthy shit." - Narrator, Samuel L. Jackson