
Hi everyone, I am back for another daily update! I have decided that I want to do the book along with writing a script. I think it is the best way, even though it is a lot more work. I am going to release the story and then write my own adaptation into a screenplay. I am continuing on planning but I have changed how I am doing it. I am planning out a lot more of the beginning and end goals and letting the middle part be a lot more rough. I am going to keep working and I'll update you all again tomorrow!


Hi everyone, I am back for another daily update! I have decided that I want to do the book along with writing a script. I think it is the best way, even though it is a lot more work. I am going to release the story and then write my own adaptation into a screenplay. I am continuing on planning but I have changed how I am doing it. I am planning out a lot more of the beginning and end goals and letting the middle part be a lot more rough. I am going to keep working and I'll update you all again tomorrow!


Hi everyone! I am back for a second daily update today! I was doing some thinking about my story, and the main thing I really wish could happen with the story is that it gets turned into a animated show. I have  written every word with that in mind. I was thinking, and instead of focusing on writing a book and hoping it gets turned into a show, I am going to put my focus into trying out scriptwriting for a little. If I don't like that, then hey, I always got writing a book and hoping I have luck on my side! I might update you all here or I might switch platforms but if I do I will let you all know! Thank you all for reading my updates and even just caring a little about my story, it truly means the world to me. I'll get back to you all tomorrow! Have a great day and or night everyone!


Hey everyone, I am back for another daily update! I am going to be slighty changing the new story path and taking it down a more modern route to see if I like that. Everything else will be like the same story but I just wanna test the story in a more modern setting! I hope you all have a great rest of your day or night and I'll see you back for another daily update tomorrow!


Hey all! I am back for another daily update! I am going to tweak the story path I was writing yesterday a little bit and work from there! I hope you all have a great day and or night and I’ll see you all back for another update tomorrow 


Hey all! I am back for another daily update! I was really enjoying the separate story path I was experimenting with yesterday so for today I am going to spend some more time on that. I might branch off and make a couple different story paths until I find the one I know I like the best, or I might come back and do the original story path. I'll let you all know when I know! Have a great day / night everyone and I'll see you all in tomorrows update!


Hey all! I knwo I just vae you all and update but I wanted to give you all another short update. I am going to be looking at differnt ways I can tell my story and giving them some rough drafts, I don't want to just stick to one story path, I am going to branch out and look at all my ideas and pick the one I like the most. I have been subconsciously doing this the entire time I have been either writing the actual story or doing planning for a story but I want to get my ideas out on paper and look through the ones that I think work the best and I like the most. Thank you all for reading this second daily update and I hope you all have a great rest of your day! I'll see you all tomorrow for another daily update!


@Kayffee Well, I'll be waiting for your story updates! Have a goodnight and stay safe!


Hey all I’m back for another daily update! I got a lot done yesterday and I’m excited for today. I definitely think I am more then halfway through my planning so hopefully in a couple weeks the first chapters should be able to start coming out! I hope you all have a great day and I’ll see you all tomorrow for another update 


Hi everyone! I am doing some more planning today! Yesterday was great and I added a lot of details that I enjoyed and tied a lot of things together. I get a lot of ideas and want to add them but don't know how to make everything fit and yesterday I was able to make a lot of those ideas work! Going to add onto things today and I will let you know how everything went tomorrow!


Hi everyone! I am sorry I have missed a couple days of daily check ins but i have been very busy. I started a new job and training was very not planned so I didn't have time to really write anything. I have finished training now so I have an actual schedule. I am starting back on writing today with hopefully getting the full story summary done here in the next couple of days.
          Also, I have decided that instead of making the book a series, I am just going to post every chapter as the same book. I will release the chapters every couple of days to every week and it will be released sort of like a comic book / manga. If I ever try and get the book p[published, which I obviously hope to do so, I might split it up into different books from there but releasing it online makes it very easy to just make it all one book.
          Thank you all for staying invested in my book if you have been and I will get the first chapter out as soon as I can! Have a great day/night everyone!


Hello everyone, I am back for another daily update! I was not feeling the best yesterday and took the day off. Today I am back for some more planning like I have been! Really enjoying the path this story has taken and each day I like it more and more and I hope you all will too once I start getting the chapters out to all of you! Hope you all have a great day and if you are writing a story too I hope your work today goes great!