
Hey! I'm 6ack! I deleted 6l99d 9f the G9ds 6ecause I th9ught 9f a 6etter versi9n 9f it s9. It'll c9me 6ack s99n. I pr9mise!


Hi every9ne! This is my first time ever letting pe9ple 9ther than Sn9wfr9st( she is the 9nly 9ne wh9 will read my 9riginal st9ries) read these. If y9u read H9mestuck then y9u pr96a6ly rec9gnize the typing quirk( 9nly in act 6 act 3 th9ugh). I am g99d friends with arsenic catnip and c9splay Kankri. My last w9rds t9 y9u f9r t9day are "Check y9ur privlage and d9n't trigger any9ne".


*pokes lightly* I'll read your stories when they get further along. :P