I was very disappointed in this FINAL season. It didn't give Pidge, Hunk, Matt, Collen, Coran, Acxa, and Krolia the attention the deserved. We never really saw the OG characters together solving a problem, they were very septated into groups. Pidge and Hunk are just as important as the rest of the gang; It was very Keith and Allurance based. Matt was shown a handful of times but had like a total of two lines in the season. Collen from the looks of it was in-charge of the plant life on the Atlas. I wanted to know more about Coran's backstory, was he married did he have children? 5 Acxa was shown a handful of times but was only IN one episode, I wanted more of a back story for her? Why was she so soft towards Keith in s7? Krolia In one episode! Like what the heck! Slov was given more attention. The writers always claimed that they wanted to have a story with a beginning, middle, and end. The Beginning and middle were done fantastically; the ending though was too rushed. With all the talk about the pond between paladin and lion, sounds like something powerful and influential, but then the lions decide to take off in the middle of the night a year later!? I say this because this was not the original epidose they where going to give us, around October dreamswork came in and meddled with what the writers worked to bring to life. There's so many of us in the fandom that wants to see the ending that was intended to be the end.
If you agree sign the potion: https://www.change.org/p/dreamworks-voltron-season-8-release-the-original-the-showrunners-wanted?recruiter=923722918&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_abi.pacific_email_copy_en_gb_4.v1.pacific_email_copy_en_us_3.control.pacific_email_copy_en_us_5.v1.pacific_post_sap_share_gmail_abi.gmail_abi.lightning_2primary_share_options_more.variant
If you don't agree with me, I still love you and always enjoy the fandom just don't hate on me and my personal opinion.