
Removing some of my older novels in replacement of newer ones.
          	Also, I have rebranded from IAMUN1QU3 to Kayla Brew Bailey, please see my BIO for links to my social media. 
          	"Genie Take the Wheel" will be the first upcoming novel. More details to come soon!


@Marphye Thank you for your support Marphye! I will leave the books up until I've finished the new ones so you still have time! And feel free to follow me on my new Instagram account @Kaylabrewbailey as I work on new content to share ❤❤❤


RIP Maeberyllyn hello new books~ ngl redownloaded wattpad to reread your books and was one day late HAHA. Looking forward to your new novel!


Removing some of my older novels in replacement of newer ones.
          Also, I have rebranded from IAMUN1QU3 to Kayla Brew Bailey, please see my BIO for links to my social media. 
          "Genie Take the Wheel" will be the first upcoming novel. More details to come soon!


@Marphye Thank you for your support Marphye! I will leave the books up until I've finished the new ones so you still have time! And feel free to follow me on my new Instagram account @Kaylabrewbailey as I work on new content to share ❤❤❤


RIP Maeberyllyn hello new books~ ngl redownloaded wattpad to reread your books and was one day late HAHA. Looking forward to your new novel!


Hey everyone! For those of you who have been following me since 2013 (when I started out as UNPR3D1TABL3), and have read my book "If I'm A Spy If Get the Girl...Right?" I would just like to inform you that I have made edits, and Milo is ready to be rediscovered again for anyone wanting a laugh! I will also be editing Maeberyllyn which I wrote in ...2012 I believe?  So that too can be enjoyed. I'm looking to go back to writing a sequel for either of these two novels (I haven't decided) and diving back into these worlds is helping me a lot. In the mean time,  I have even started a new book called "The Boy Band Dilemma" which has been pretty fun for for me. Overall, just wanted to say hi! Still alive. Still writing. Feel free to let me know what you think if you follow "If I'm A Spy" or "Maeberrylln", or if you decide to take a chance on my new book  :P


1. Wait what happened to If Im A Spy I Save the World... Right?
          2. YOURE ALIVEEEEE


@Marphye sorry for the notoriously late response! I had every intention of continuing the novel, but I had terrible writers block, school, life and sort of everything got in the way. Not to say that I can't return to the series one day, but I guess I'm just looking to see if the interest is still there for another Milo book with D.I.C.E. Thank you for much for reading the book btw ❤❤❤❤ I've started writing another humor book if that could be something you would be into.


@EveryTearAWaterfall *sniff sniff* that was beautiful :'D
          Its fans like you that inspire me to write.  Honestly, Milo is my first humor book eva and the reaction he got from others was just so great that I had to make a sequel! Its my first sequel too, so yea I'm nervous :$ but I hope to make you guys proud! Thamks for the message it seriously  made my day and put a smile ony face :)