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'Prince of Wolves' I should be ashamed, eyeing him up in the dead of night. But I just couldn’t look away from him, and I was trying. There was just something about him, something that simultaneously took me breathe away while also lighting my soul alight. Mine. “Shit…” I gasped, pushing myself away from the window. Turning my body around, I leant up against the wall, out of view and hidden from his piercing silver eyes. As I tried to gain my breathe and calm down my thoughts as they raced around in my head. I knew I wasn’t all there, I was just like my mum in that sense, but I don’t think she ever heard people in her head. Unless she did and dad didn’t want me knowing just how mental my mother was… No, he would have told me when I first started going mad. But hearing voices in my head, as clear as if someone was standing right next to me has really increased my crazy by a few fucking levels. I quickly peeked out the window to see him walking inside my best friends house and it made me wonder. Could it. Could it have been his?