Originally from Louisiana, Fla' She debuted her first novel Two Shades of Color September 2010. She continues to develop her writing style with her second novel, Ulterior Motives, and pushes an elegant eroticism to the edge with her explicit yet intriguing approach. Fla' She is a 2006 graduate of Southern University A&M College and has achieved a Master's in Education from Strayer University in 2014. She resides in Atlanta, GA.

Visit www.lulu.com, www.amazon.com, www.bn.com, or Google play and iBooks to purchase her novels.
  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • JoinedJanuary 23, 2016


Story by Fla'She
Ulterior Motives by KaylaFontenot8
Ulterior Motives
After longing for a weekend getaway, Savannah, Jacksonia, and Kelis gather in the Bahamas to fulfill their di...