
I love your profile picture... So wonderful


I would love too <3 That sounds super fun.


I never understood why he's so easy for me to wirte in till I watched an epiosde where he says "I'm going to need your help, it seems this is going to involve talking to people" and then it dawned on me that I'm alot like Cass lol.
            Next time I want to take a break from what I'm working on now, we should write something together.


Cass can be hard for most people so you should be proud. I find that if I ever need help writing on of their personalities than I watch one episode from each season. It's also good for inspiration. If you ever want some help I would love too :)


Hello! I just wanted to drop by and say thanks for following me and adding Eyes Of Death into your KaylaReinheart's Reading List! I hope you enjoy the book and also hope you will keep on following Kali's journey into Book two, Eyes Of Chaos! And from reading your bio I see you like Supernatural and The Walking Dead! I love those two shows! <3 Anyway here are some other books you might like:
          A Dark Kiss & A Dark Secret (Angels, Demons, Devil, God, ect)
          Experiment Triple Six (it's possible you might like it)
          Radioactive (Also possible that you may like, post apocalypse)
          Other than those I don't think you will like the others, they're just based on werewolves, vampires, race of ancient creatures, medieval times, goddess and gods, wolves, and cats. So I hope you have a gortastic day!


I'll defiantly check out the stories you mentioned! 
            The story I'm working on now was inspired by supernatural. So of course it has angels, demons, hunters, reapers, an assorted mix of monsters, ect.