Hey everyone!!,announcement..so um, ok,today I will be updating my The BoysShip fanfic,yes I know I'm literally taking a long while to update my Reekid fanfic I know,I'm trying to see if I can just finish even a chapter for it ok..I'm still working on it..but in a few minutes I'll be updating my The BoysShip fanfic,I'm just putting in the finishing touches on the chapter,so just keep your eyes open for the notification.
Ummm,I know the discords that I posted a few months ago,have been slow for awhile,so question for you...
Do you guys want me to make a public discord cause it seems like everything would run a little bit more better and smoother,what do you think..is a public discord the way to go or no?.You can tell me by replying to this post,well if you want to that is,but I really want to know if you agree,and if alot of you do agree on the public discord..I'll make happen.
Well that's all for now,see you in my next
The BoysShip chapter,see you then!!.