
Hello Everyone. 
          	I appreciate you all supporting me and your kind words for my son during this loss he's going through.
          	He has heard all of your comments and well wishes and they really did make him feel better and much less alone through this entire process. He's learned that his 'family' goes much deeper than who he actually sees. 
          	But now that I am getting back on track, I now have the new update schedule for you!
          	It goes as follows; 
          	Monday - Hat Trick and Unleashing The Good Girl.
          	Tuesday (alternating weeks) - Lost In The Fight and 10 Steps to Getting The Girl. 
          	Wednesday (alternating weeks) - What Dreams are Made of and One Number Off.
          	Thursday - Two of a Kind.
          	Friday (alternating weeks) - The Rejection Pact and Loving Cross. 
          	I'm so excited for this New Year, and this new journey with my first ever fictional family, and I can't wait for you all to see what I've come up with. 
          	With Love


@Kayla_Whiteman love the new chapters of Hat Trick! I still struggle with this book I love Kaylin and Troy chapters but then I think of Nolan and want to cry. Thanks for being such an amazing author


Hey everyone, just wanna give everyone a heads up, Kayla is sick so there may or may not be an update tomorrow. She said there is a possibility but she’s not exactly sure just yet on if she’s going to post the update. I’ll let everyone know if she’s does decide to not post tomorrow 


Take your time you , I hope you get better  we can all wait you don't have to update until your at lest 100% 


@Kayla_Whiteman I know that feeling.  My rough season is more spring and I’m constantly in a state of congestion and vision problems. Feel better and take care of yourself!  


@christievega19 @hayleyCarle I’m still having a hard time reading and writing. Every year around this time I end up with a really bad congestion because we have dry air in our house. Once it moves to my sinuses it causes too much pressure in my head and blurs my vision. There won’t be one number off this week, but Two Of A Kind and Loving Cross will be up tomorrow! 


Hello Everyone. 
          I appreciate you all supporting me and your kind words for my son during this loss he's going through.
          He has heard all of your comments and well wishes and they really did make him feel better and much less alone through this entire process. He's learned that his 'family' goes much deeper than who he actually sees. 
          But now that I am getting back on track, I now have the new update schedule for you!
          It goes as follows; 
          Monday - Hat Trick and Unleashing The Good Girl.
          Tuesday (alternating weeks) - Lost In The Fight and 10 Steps to Getting The Girl. 
          Wednesday (alternating weeks) - What Dreams are Made of and One Number Off.
          Thursday - Two of a Kind.
          Friday (alternating weeks) - The Rejection Pact and Loving Cross. 
          I'm so excited for this New Year, and this new journey with my first ever fictional family, and I can't wait for you all to see what I've come up with. 
          With Love


@Kayla_Whiteman love the new chapters of Hat Trick! I still struggle with this book I love Kaylin and Troy chapters but then I think of Nolan and want to cry. Thanks for being such an amazing author


Hello everyone.
          I know I promised that after the holidays updates would go back to normal and I apologize.
          But I wanted everyone to know that I will not be updating at all until next Friday.
          Something happened this morning and my son lost his grandfather in a tragic accident and I need to be there for him due to this being his first major loss. He's only 7 so I need to do my best to help him cope with however he's feeling.
          I hope you all understand.
          I appreciate your patience.
          With love
          Kayla ❤️
          If any of you have any kind words to offer my son, I would be glad to show him your comments.


@jnorton cooper actually loves bluey so this helps so much! Thank you! 


Praying for you all! Someone says Bluey has an episode about a bird dying that was good with explaining death. Personal experience don’t say he went on a long vacation! 


          So, it turns out that I just couldn't wait until January 2nd to announce this. 
          As most of you know, I have been really struggling with letting go of the Myra Series, with Fixing Myra being my first ever book. 
          And I've realized that I've been having such a bad case of writers block with my other books because I have not been able to get this out of my head. 
          So, I am not saying goodbye!
          I'm having you all say hello to a whole new journey for the characters you've loved so much. 
          Myra and Drake are back. 
          But, it's Hunter and Harley's turn to navigate all the struggles their parents faced, and some new ones. 
          And I'm so excited to give you The Adams Family Series.
          So please, head on over to my profile, and check out the all new character board for the first book of the series called Two of a Kind.


So excited and can’t wait for you to start this series <3


Hello everyone.
          I just wanted to let you all know that there will be no update of Hat Trick until after my kids Christmas break!
          I know you're all waiting to hear Nolan's thoughts on Kaylin and Troy, and I really want to take my time with it to give you all his true feelings. 
          Please be patient with me. 
          With that being said, I will be posting a few updates for some of the other books this week. 
          Unleashing The Good Girl is going up right now!
          But starting December 20th - January 2nd, there will be no updates so I can enjoy the holiday break with my babies. 
          But, for my Myra Series Fans, also coming January 2nd, there will be something special for you!
          I will also be leaving Finally Myra up until I get all of the paperback corrections finalized, so I will be posting an announcement on there, and my wall January 2nd! So be ready!
          Happy Holidays everyone, and Cooper (7) wanted me to tell you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 
          With love!


Hello everyone! 
          I just want to say that you so much for your patience and understanding lately! 
          Updates are coming, I promise. 
          It’s been difficult because of the weather here just not being good causing the kids to miss school, and you all know I take as much time with them as I can get.
          On top of that, this is one of the biggest order seasons for me with everyone wanting Christmas/Winter nails, and my orders have been through the roof.
          I’m working so hard on updates for you all and just refuse to put out chapters that aren’t up to my standards and nothing but the best for you to keep you wanting more.
          As always, I appreciate every single one of you! 
          With love.
          Kayla ❤️


You take all the time you need girl your littles always come first!


Hello everyone! 
          In my area there is going to be a service outage for our WiFi until next Tuesday, so there will be no updates for the rest of this week. 
          Unleashing The Good Girl and Hat Trick will be up Tuesday along with One Number Off! 
          Thank you! 
          Appreciate all of you! 
          With Love.
          -Kayla ❤️