
Hey y'all I have deleted my books from this account
          	i can now be reached on my new account Kristy16
          	It would mean the world to me if you come and fan and vote me on my new account


          I am soooo sorry its been so long but some stuff happened and well you know.
          Thank you to the people who fanned me while I was away.It means alot
          I might shut this account down but if I do I'll set up anther one and tell you about it.
          For those asking about a sequel to the assassin.I have the idea and everything BUT because I have exams in oct - Finals I cant write before then.
          BIG SORRY!!!
          Thanks for the support


-Hey everyone!
          Sorry I havent uploaded lately.My internet was playing up.
          I just have to put some touch ups on Life Changes then I'll post it.
          Only three chapters left!!!!!!
          I want to try and have them done by the weekend.Wish me luck:)