With my Stories I've unpublished them all (Again sorry) BUT that's because, being in a bunch of fandoms, having multiple fictional characters or real people its hard to stick to one thing which if you could tell i only published one chapter of a story then published another with only one chapter and repeat. so i decided to unpublished them all but, here's a little thing about me. I love to roleplay, and i love writing so i'm thinking of instead of abandoning writing for a bit i'm going to try and be a bit more original. its going to be a lot of work, time and a bit difficult since i don't have a fandom or characters already to base it off but its more fun when you can mess with everything and make your own characters and story without sticking to one topic/story which i struggle to stick to. I'm kinda excited to do this, its also a bit out of my comfort zone but we all start somewhere right? Anyone that's that. Oh and i hate this Conversation Tab so im going to have an update book thing to write these kinda things there.