
Hey guys! My name is Kayla and I am an inspirational writer. I write about things I have learned, seen or experienced. I am working on several books at the moment so please help me get some more readers! I have struggled with mental illness for my whole life. I struggle with borderline personality disorder, persistent major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, an unidentified eating disorder, and ADHD. I am using my experiences to help others recover or feel less alone. Please never be afraid to reach out for help. I'm here if you need me! Thanks always stay strong 


Hey guys! My name is Kayla and I am an inspirational writer. I write about things I have learned, seen or experienced. I am working on several books at the moment so please help me get some more readers! I have struggled with mental illness for my whole life. I struggle with borderline personality disorder, persistent major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, an unidentified eating disorder, and ADHD. I am using my experiences to help others recover or feel less alone. Please never be afraid to reach out for help. I'm here if you need me! Thanks always stay strong