
So sorry for like.... Zero updates. I've been busy with school and all, updating things (more like revising them) and moving them to Ao3. I have also been writing more of one story but it's taking a long time to even get a chapter out. Anyway, my account on Ao3 is called TheDemonShipper so come check it out if you want updated stuff. ~Shadow


So sorry for like.... Zero updates. I've been busy with school and all, updating things (more like revising them) and moving them to Ao3. I have also been writing more of one story but it's taking a long time to even get a chapter out. Anyway, my account on Ao3 is called TheDemonShipper so come check it out if you want updated stuff. ~Shadow


I am officially moving to Archive of Our Own around June 4th. I will probably be removing all of my stories when i relocate but my update story, in which my last update will contain a link to my new AO3 account where all of my stories and even more are. Wattpad has been a good stepping stone, but I am afraid that it's bugs are just too much for me to handle after it started deleting parts of my stories and replacing them with other parts. Now i am faced with piecing together my stories again as I move to Archive of Our own. I am giving anyone who gives a crap advanced notice. 


Hey ppl. I am soooo sorry about not updating at all. I just realized how crappy my books are and I'm considering temporarily taking them down to fix them. I've started working on Syblings and Friends journey again and I hope to work on my story with Crystal and the gang. It might take a little longer then I had assumed at first though. I really want to work on Shadows Of The Past but I'm not really sure of what to do next in it. If you guys see a story you like that you want me to update, please just message me or put a comment below this message telling me to do so. I might already have a chapter ready to be posted, and if I don't I can finish or write one. It's not that I don't want to fix all of my stories, but I have 30 of them and I am still in school. With winter break coming up I might be able to update but after that is finals, and I have a lot of work to do during break. So I'll try to update, but it may take a while and I might not get all of them done.


Helllooo, so... my co-editor said I am not allowed to publish our like, no kidding, 95 Chapter long book. Which sucks but I guess I have to honor that.. cuz she's on wattpad too. In the meantime I am trying to revive a few old stories, if nothing then to simply get more space on my crapy old phone. The only one I really have a lot of is Syblings and Friends Journey at the moment though... 


@Kaylams10 Hey, I'd like To finish that rp tomorrow if possible?


@Kaylams10 ~LeDemonShipper


So... it might seem like I am taking a break from writing but I'm working on a story with a friend that has 23 unedited chapters, I just need her permission before I can edit and publish it. And I am planning on working on some other fanfictions, especially Syblings and Friends Journey and I plan to eventually revive some of my forgotten stories.... soon... hopefully. 


@Kaylams10 ~Le demon shipper


Sorry for no recent updates, I've been watching a lot of TV to drown out how horrible my life has been lately. Luckily for me things are starting to look up and i will do whatever i can to give you guys more status updates. I have been updating different stories and currently am dying because of how friggen hot it is in my room,(My AC doesn't work in the middle of summer, kill me now!). Tootles~TheDemonShipper


Weeeeelp. I guess Resemblance wasn't just a thought blowing in the wind, I have a lot more in store the what is already out. As for uh.... Syblings and Friends Journey, that story is based off of real people I know and two of them were engaged so I was shipping them in the story, however the idiots decided to break the engagement off and I am upset about it. However it doesn't matter. I still believe that they belong together and hope they will eventually realize that for themselves. They will continue to be shipped in my story because I have hope for them and if they don't like it, too bad for them, it's my story, I can do whatever I want. All I'm saying is that I may be too mad to update for a little while, gimme a few days. As for Shadowpaw's Story, yes, I promised updates, and yes, they are coming, just more slowly then I had hoped. I also have to work on my list of current clan cats. Anyway I'm being summoned by the god of chores~TheDemonShipper


I am working on updating The Shadows Of The Past, Syblings And Friends Journey and I am reviving Shadowpaw's story, for a friend helped me make a choice and now I know what to do. I may make an InuYasha fan fiction eventually,  just a thought blowing in the wind at this thime though,  so if it Doesn't happen don't be surprised. I however have already made a character and she will be added to Descriptions. ~TheDemonShipper