
Ps. I would recommend deleting Fury and then re-adding the book to your library, so you can see all the new changes. Otherwise the story will make little sense. 


Hi my lovelies,
          Hopefully will have all seen my updates today, I want to apologise for being so absent. However I have been working hard as you can see, there are significant changes to the existing chapters as I've filled plot holes and reworked events to fit the story as it is now. Hopefully you will like the new story and the several new characters. Thank you for being patient. 


I started your book fury but,not sure I should continue,after seeing the date of your last update.r u going to finish? You should ,your a great writer


Thank you, I am still working on fury, I've been reworking the drafts which is why there's been such a long period of time since my last update. Once I've completed all the rewrite I shall be posting the full book. However I'm not sure how much longer that will take as at the moment I'm only half way through. 


Hi my lovelies,
          I'm sorry there's been no second bulk update yet. I have had an unfortunate incident at work, so for the last few days I've been dealing with the police and the very sexy head of our security department. I promise I will be back on track after the weekend. 


Hi my lovelies,
          Just a quick note, I am currently experiencing some technical problems. Which is why you have yet to see the chapters, who knew trying to reorder them would be so hard! Anyways, before I go off on a rant, I just what to let you all know it should be resolved by 10pm uk time. You should be able to see the chapters up to be careful, tomorrow I will upload the rest. And a never before seen chapter, on that note the reader/s whose suggestion I will use for Marseille last name will get a message from me and will get to see the treat I promised. 
          Thank you for the enduring patience 


Hi my lovelies,
          I know I haven't updated in a while, but there will be one soon. Which is why I help your help. I've been writing on word, I know wattpad has a import option however when I go to receive the chapters, the don't appear available which in its self is a nightmare. There's simply too much to copy and past then redraft all the spacing and italics. Does any one know what I am doing wrong? And can point me in the right direction? Please xxx


Hi guys,
          Sorry there hasn't been an update this week. I have had the week from hell and it's my birthday week which is just the sour cherry on top of an already bitter cake. Needless to say I can't go into the details apart to say, I have spent most the day in tears. Not a good look  However I will try to give you an update tomorrow after I have gorged on chocolate and the wine - my best, and most thoughtful friend has brought me. She -@kerrymitchell and my little bro also brought me a Lord of the rings elven sword! Because they are both totally awesome and know any kind of geekiness will bring my mood up. So once I have ran around my living room pretending I am the best Orc slayer, I will lay down my weapon (with care) and pick up the mighty pen. With any hope all this awful emotion will make for a great chapter! All my love K.M.J