Title: "Graveyard" or "Scarred" (whichever is more appealing to you)
Subtitle: for Graveyard - Is this the end, or only the beginning?
for Scarred - Will she save them all, or give in to her darker temptations?
Author: KaytBase for both
Short Summary: Graveyard-the prologue is the main character (Kayt) visiting her husbands grave a year after his death, calling his cellphone and listening to his voice one last time. The rest of the story is their life together leading up to his death, starting from them meeting in high school and going all the way up through college and marriage and starting a family.
Scarred-Jennifer Abes is the chosen one that comes around every couple of centuries. She has to figure out her 'power' and how to control it, save the world, and choose between her long-time boyfriend and new-found bad-boy mentor to help her through the next year.
Pictures*: none really, just maybe use a single girl for both? Thank you so much! I followed you, and will dedicate stories to you as soon as one, or both, are done. thank you!